Smilegate Pumps The Breaks On Blue Protocol’s Korean Launch And Community Communication

They’ve decided more work is needed.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Blue Protocol Korea Delay

Things are apparently not great with Blue Protocol… at least as far as Smilegate is concerned. In fact, they’ve decided, based on player feedback, that more work needs to be done on the MMORPG before they move forward with the launch. Even more, they’ve announced that the community channel and Discord will be “discontinued” on May 20. (It’s important to note here that the announcement is in Korean, so we’re using Google translate and that term might not be the most accurate, particularly as the the phrase “dormant for a while” is also used.)

The upcoming cease in communications seems to be designed to allow the team to work on making adjustments to the game. Smilegate still plans to release the game at some point in the future and is continuing to collaborate with Bandai Namco to get it done. It seems they will also continue to provide players with updates, promising “more visible news”. It seems players will still be hearing from them, they just won’t be hearing from players for now.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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