Smashmuck Champions Open Beta Announced
Kiz Studios, the guys behind the upcoming MOBA/Arena title SmashMuck Champions, announced that the open beta date would begin on September 1st.
The game has been in closed beta for quite a while with MMOBomb hosting a few beta giveaways in the past for SmashMuck Champions. No word on how long the open beta will last but it is typical of Free-to-Play developers to use the Open Beta period as a sort of "soft launch". Allowing players to continue progressing without fear of their accounts being wiped.
We got a chance to interview one of the developers of SmashMuck earlier in the year as well as give our first impressions which you can view above. You can check out Smashmuck for yourselves by visiting and signing up. Do you think SmashMuck is unique enough to stand up on its own in the arena/MOBA genre market? Let us know!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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