Skyforge's Pantheon Wars Bring PvE And PvP Players Together
Skyforge has another lengthy blog post today, this one about its version of guilds, known as pantheons. Hey, you don't expect a bunch of gods to hang around some dusty beer hall, do you?
Pantheons confer all the usual benefits of guilds, such as social tools and a shiny place to gather, known as a stronghold. From the stronghold, pantheon members can monitor the world and react quickly to the alien invasions in Aelion. Members can prepare themselves for battle against the hordes or defend the honor of their pantheon in Pantheon Wars.
What are the Pantheon Wars? They're weekly battles between pantheons for glory, honor, and control over a territory that grants the pantheon income and unique rewards. Pantheon Wars aren't all about bashing the other guy's skull in; half of a pantheon's gladiators compete in PvP, while the other half show their worth in PvE trials. It's nice to see the top-end gameplay not be restricted to just one side -- PvE or PvP -- of the player base.
You can read the full dev blog about pantheons here.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Okay, I fail to see how this exactly brings them TOGETHER..I mean if some are going to be warring in the region while others are simply going to be doing PVE challenges..that doesn't really bring them 'together' if they're doing entirely separate things...that's the exact opposite of together. I mean seriously if 'together' only means they'll be near each other, then that's the loosest usage of the word.
Unless this was explained poorly I don't quite see how... (and no I am not going to read the entire blog over a single feature..if anything I'd have thought there'd be a more clear, concise explanation posted here.)
then il prolly fire it up and see for my self and make my opinion i donnu.
Also have a hard time auctully suporting this company.