Skull And Bones Continues To Sail Through Development Hell Losing Another Game Director And Facing Union Issues
That's three game directors that have walked the plank now.
It almost seemed like the worst was behind the beleaguered pirate fantasy game Skull and Bones. Through many delays and rumors of less-than-stellar gameplay, the band-aid was finally pulled off last month when the closed beta arrived to mixed reactions. But there are still more stormy seas ahead for Skull and Bones, as Kotaku reports that the game has lost its third creative director, and faces an organized labor campaign by the Singapore Creative Media and Publishing Union.
Skull and Bones has been delayed numerous times, and lost its fair share of staff along the way. This time it seems Creative Director Elisabeth Pellen has left the Singapore studio after joining the team in 2018. Ubisoft of course claims that it's normal for a creative director to move on to other projects, but I don't buy that seeing as Skull and Bones continues to be in development hell with no sign of relief in sight.
Take for instance the organized labor campaign by the Singapore Creative Media and Publishing Union. If things go poorly in this situation, it could mean even further delays of a game that desperately just needs to be released and get it all over with. The continuing wait for what will prove to be a terrible game has been drawn out quite long enough, and even those who find something positive in the midst of this disaster for the ages can only hold on to the copium they have generated for themselves from the closed beta for so long.
There has been little to no positivity surrounding Skull and Bones over the years, and it looks like things could just be getting worse for a studio founded with backing from the Singapore government. In return, Ubisoft promised Skull and Bones, so the game will come out at some point. The state the game will be in, and how many more years in the future we are talking about is still to be determined. Skull and Bones continues to be one of the biggest development hell stories of all time. But strap in folks, it looks like this bumpy ride is just getting started. We'll keep you updated.
Skull and Bones is slated for release sometime before March, but Kotaku also states that a date hasn't even been internally locked in yet.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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