Sick Of Grinding? Well Genshin Impact's Update 1.2 Adds Content Today
As of today, Update 1.2 is available to explore in Genshin Impact. The update adds the anticipated story content as well as a new area to explore -- nothing as big as either existing region, but still something. As with the last update, it also introduces new characters, new events, and kicks off another battle pass. I'm not really going to say a new battle pass, because the rewards are more or less the same as the previous ones. Although, there are new ways to level up the battle pass that goes with the new content, so you'll want to take a peek at that. There is also new equipment available via the wish banners.
Speaking of wishes, the Secretum Secretorum banner is up, and it features Albedo -- who you get to find out more about in the new story content -- as the latest five-star character. (This is The Chalk Prince and The Dragon story/event content.) The banner is available until January 1. It also features Fischl, Sucrose, and Bennett.
In addition to the new main story quests, the update introduces new world quests and commission quests as well. As noted previously, it also adds new frosty monsters, and animals, as well as recipes. And, of course, there are several new achievements. The Spiral Abyss even has some chilly new content, so there's that to look forward to as well.
Of course, the devs already told us there would be plenty of new QoL additions being made to the game, like private chats, the new Kamera gadget, and more. One new change even adds a way for players to earn more Acquaint Fates (which means more wishes). All you have to do is ascend your characters and you'll be rewarded every time a character is ascended to levels 20, 50, and 70. It's retroactive, too. So if you have characters at any of those points, check your character menu to get your rewards. (I had 21 when I logged in this morning.)
A full list of changes -- and there are plenty -- is available in the patch notes on the Genshin Impact site. If you're curious as to why certain changes were made, they have that covered as well, in a handy "Explanation" post.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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