Several PvP Changes Coming To WoW In Embers Of Neltharion Update, Prep Now Ahead Of Time
Critical Strike was nerfed, as was Gladiator's Distinction.
Blizzard is introducing several PvP changes with the Embers of Neltharion PTR following concerns about World of Warcraft's pacing in the latest Dragonflight expansion.
One of these changes is Critical Strike value. It’s going back to 150% from 175%. Another is targeted adjustments to crowd control durations so that most abilities don’t last more than 6 seconds when modified (outside of Evoker's Oppressing Roar). Also, Gladiator's Distinction will no longer provide 10% CC reduction, and the new season's professions items will no longer grant 5% CC reduction.
Additionally, new PvP talent trees and changes to some existing ones will be rolled out in the updates coming over the next few weeks. The Precognition PvP talent will be removed and made available as an Optional Reagent so healers have a better experience in the MMORPG's PvP.
Note: Activision Blizzard is still under investigation by the state of California for serious harassment charges. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about such actions within his company – and performed some himself – and shielded the perpetrators from consequences.
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About the Author

Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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