Seven Souls Online Announced!

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

A series of bloody battles awaits players in the “blitz-paced” massively multiplayer online game Seven Souls Online from Neowiz Games.

Seven Souls Online allows players to unleash their inner demon in a fantasy world which combines the ancient East and West, fused with elements of science-fiction. Players can choose from three character classes, the magic-enhanced Manatech Rebel, the savage Imperial Guard and the cunning Exiled Avenger, and then slaughter their way through vast armies of enemies.

Additional Seven Souls Online features include:

  • Rage Mode – With the push of a button, players can turn their characters into gruesome monsters for increased attack strength and critical attack chance.
  • Book of Lost Souls – This book is one of the game’s most distinctive features. It not only tells the background story, but also differentiates each class from others by providing distinctive skills and power-ups.
  • Enchant and Cube System s – Players can enjoy easy-to-use Enchant and Cube Systems to enforce or dismantle their items and weapons. The randomness aspect allows players to acquire extremely rare items.
  • Anti-Bot Seven Souls Online does not welcome hunting bots. The anti-bot system will penalize excessive hunters while rewarding loyal, quest-completing players.

Set to launch in North America this spring, Seven Souls Online is currently accepting pre-registration for closed beta testers at the game’s official website,, which also features a never-before-seen game trailer.

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Discussion (25)

Pharmd601 12 years ago
Hello! kbcffcc interesting kbcffcc site! I'm really like it! Very, very kbcffcc good!

Pharmc794 12 years ago
Hello! ekbkcae interesting ekbkcae site! I'm really like it! Very, very ekbkcae good!

boombastick 13 years ago
i think seven souls has no hard mode? But i guess they are already fairly challenging already?.. just my own opinion

nathe@love 13 years ago
It's a good game but cant connect to the server damn
I played for 3 days & found 6 bugs!!!!

izel12 13 years ago
How dows people will dislike the game, from the video itself.. Very Amazing,yeah I wanna ride homo tiger, elephants, butterflies !!

crasherskirt 13 years ago
It kinda stupid to start a game and have a bunch of questions before start and game download

lordOfdragon0005 13 years ago
Yeah.. i wanna play this game, cause spending my time running from one place to another is a lot of fun

hannahmuchster 13 years ago
I played a lots of game and I noticed that most of the mount is jumping coz i olweiz hit by other monster that was not part of my quest and then they will hit me that may cause my character to deat , s***, wat i want is better if the the mount is jumping

radar_zer0 13 years ago
awoohh awooh come to my party tonight.. !! XD

hosea98 13 years ago
wtf?? registration really disappointing me.. when I was trying to click the button for sign up there is no pop up for creating new account. but when I click other link/button eg. download it will goes and download ..kindly fix the registration I really want to play for it..

lazyGirl 13 years ago
Despite of all their negative comments
I'd still like to play the game :)

bradley 13 years ago
This game could had been great...
While tougher the quest and no clue I am more active to play it..

alelie 13 years ago
, urgh..i will prefered to play 2D games rather to play a slow paced of games like this!!

acushi 13 years ago
I am confused now there are many new games , dont know what should I priority first..

Scrappy1 13 years ago
WOW! cool ^^ I have read the event announcement. A total of 7 Apple iPad 2’s are up for grabs!! The most helpful members of our community will be selected as winners. (See OFFICIAL RULES for eligibility details) too good to be true!

ZaneLear 13 years ago
I will be trying this game out tho it seems they took the idea of adult/mature gaming with the blood and slight bits of gore, tho I would like to see the bodies of the enemies explode and or split down the middle when killed, not just vanish into a single meat chunk.

Well this kinda look like Requiem Bloodymare, just redone with new skins and layouts, well least it feels like it since of the blood and "gore" they have.

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Xazur 13 years ago
This is Martial Empires for NA, but even so.... they took their time getting it out. Seven Souls for NA was announced before Martial Empires did.

SteamChaos 13 years ago
100% sure I am going to be one of those "bots" even if everything I do is 100% legit. Played Ragnarok Online almost twenty 99/99 trans characters thats hundreds of hours of grinding. So yea, I don't LIKE quest, I even tend to avoid quest when I can, so I feel this antibot system is going to be harmful to my play style, aka old school grinding, just hack and slash everything in sight!

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zenyth 13 years ago
WOOOOT another chinese shit !!! so freakin awesome , now we can ride homo tiger, elephants, butterflies , and fight against Taj Mahal's with uber big hands !! SO AWESOMEEEE
joking -_-

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angst 13 years ago
ain't this the previously released martial empires?

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