Second Wind: S2 Games reveal new MOBA, Strife
We haven't heard from S2 Games in quite a while, last we saw the devs were still plugging away creating new content for Heroes of Newerth. But S2 has been busy behind the scenes and have emerged with Strife, a new MOBA with an increased focus on expunging toxic behaviour from MOBA communities.
S2 knows a thing or two about toxic communities, so Strife is serving as a fresh slate for the devs. A platform for them to take their past experiences and apply what they've learned. One might immediately wonder what S2 plans to do with Heroes of Newerth. The MOBA has experienced a decline since Dota 2 became available, but S2 says they will continue to support the MOBA alongside Strife.
Strife will be providing tools from the onset which will encourage players to collaborate. Similar to the systems currently used by Dota 2 and League of Legends, Strife will employ a "karma" system for policing bad behavior. After each game, players can choose to make a positive, negative or null action against others.
Those with loads of Karma are rated better among the community and receive more rewards. If you happen to be a debbie downer with a low Karma score, you just may receive coal instead, literally. Perhaps receiving a lump of black coal will remind players to police their behaviour and incentivise them to change their Karma score.
Strife is said to use the familiar tri-lane setup from other MOBAs, but will include some unique elements under the hood. Keeping with the whole "there is no I in team" moto, all gold will be shared between team members near where an enemy dies. Oh, and there is also something here about unleashing a giant albino ape named Krytos on unsuspecting teams. Players can even collect evolving pets which grant passive buffs to their character.
You can sign up for the currently unannounced closed beta by visiting the official site here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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You've got to hand it to developers Poppermost Productions, many Free-to-Play devs today seem content mass producing theme park fantasy MMOs, MOBAs and futuristic shooters, but not Poppermost.
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and also, don't judge before a game even have a beta. Everything can still change...
There's many mmorpgs out there, there's probably 3x more mmorpg games than MOBA. There will also be more games other than MOBA that will come out. We all know we have our own likes and dislikes, one might prefer fps and one might prefer mmorpgs. I for sure get bored of games, every game, but I'm also looking forward to new games no matter what it is.
So can we all please stop arguing and just not criticize games. Just come on guys try it out for once, you might not know, you will probably like it.
Atleast TRY guys...come on.
Smite is doing MOBAs right, so if you're going to do things, do it right and copy Smite.
You'll fail and crash and burn...but hell atleast you put some effort into your game.
If they want to make a strategy game (MOBA isn't considered strategy or RTS) then they should go back and look at the old RTS games like Age of empires I II and III, Age of Mythology - Titans,
Rise of Nations, Lord of the rings battle for middle earth 2 and ROTWK..
I'm actually replaying these games cause idiots don't know how to make a simple RTS game
If you are looking for an RPG then you should go play Morrowind ,Oblivion,Skyrim,Fallout 3...etc
Online F2P games I'm playing (Star Trek Online, World of tanks, World of Warplanes and a little bit of neverwinter)
"..Those with loads of Karma are rated better among the community and receive more rewards. If you happen to be a debbie downer with a low Karma score, you just may receive coal instead, literally."
Pray, tell me..what exactly is preventing people from abusing said system to screw others over just because they don't like them? From the sound of it all it will take is one jerkoff to decide he dislikes you and then he gets his friends in on it to totally screw your karma "just because".
And I hate MOBA games!
Another MOBA.... lets hope its fun & innovative yes?