Scarlet Blade Begins "Closed" Beta
Scarlet Blade, the over-the-top mature themed MMORPG from Aeria Games has officially gone into closed beta today. Like in the past, Aeria Games continues to use the term "Closed Beta" while disregarding what the word closed actually implies. The beta is available now for everyone to download and play without the need for a key.
I managed to jump into the game for a couple of hours last night and I was impressed.....Impressed that an MMORPG managed to so quickly surpass TERA in the "how can we make this as sexual as possible and get away with it" department. Heck, I'd say it surpasses it with just the first load screen before you even get a chance to make your character! The game literally takes every opportunity to zoom in on a character's exposed chest and butt. It certainly knows what demographic it's shooting for and it is not ashamed.
Aeria Games is offering Scarlet Blade Founder's Packs for players interested in getting a few extra items, as well as the usual exclusive mounts and costumes. Speaking of items, there is apparently an item in the cash shop that allows you to see everyone naked. I imagine those that buy this are the same individuals who /bow to create sexual innuendo poses with their avatars.
You can signup and download the closed beta by visiting the official site here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Closed Test 2 signups will open soon and the development between now and then will be combat-focused.

The world of Throne and Liberty basically just doubled in size.

However, the game is Web3-based.

There’s also an AI chatbot and the workbench is being updated.
but the best part are the characters, people that don't play will find that this is just a game to grab money from horny teens, but if you read the quests, is quite impressive how they develop the situation with you (the commander that controls the"weapon"/girl) and the girl itself, many funny jokes and insinuations from the character that you better stop with the dirty thoughts... the game seems even deeper as in the beginning she thinks she is only a sexy killing machine for you (commander) to "pleasure" yourself and it transforms to a deeper relation between both
there is more in this game than it looks, is a simple almost generic game, but the "sexiness" is not only the base of the game, a marketing thing, but it is actually part of the plot to explore and even make fun of this
this game is well a surprise the story is great character are all different it is rare to see 2 characters the same and even rarer to see 2 of the same with same class so the character creation is not half bad okay then classes well their are 6 classes all are different in how they fight and how they work to gather they each have about 3 ways you can go in a skill tree and will play different then other characters with different skills now the combat well it look nice and is easy to get a hold of but their is plenty of room for strategy if needed. now story and graphic the story is wow that has to be the best part if you read about the game and read each quest you find all the npc have their own spin and looks, backgrounds and all of them are cool in their own way they give out allot of funny one liners to the graphics their very nice though on best quality as i play it the ground textures could use some work but every thing is very tera like graphics. okay so i covered the basics now let me tell you what makes this game shine to me and why i logged 8 hrs in to it. i came in thinking this was going to be another spin off for little kids i did but man was i surprised the first 4 lvls in that skimpy outfit was like wow i saw this coming then i got my armor(i was a healer atm and still am) and i was like this is not to bad. so i Begin to play then i started to find out wow healers are not good at fighting go figure lol so i found a party and wow 6 hours and i went from lvl 6 to lvl 17 and got ahold of my mech this mech you see in the backgrounds of the game yaa you get them and their well op they destroy most monsters in 2 hits and my healer mech can basically keep 8 people alive with ease well after my party died down i had to find more people well that was rilly not so hard maybe 10 mins of spamming chat to find some one played with her for a while and quest grinded my way to lvl 19 i did this all with a healer and never fired 1 shot scenes lvl 6 as a healer i can keep any one alive from most monsters that don't 1 hit thought i cant take many hits with a skill i got at lvl 16 i can teloporty around the map away from monsters if needed to i can not be attacked this is basically what i did most of the game and yet i did not fall asleep and i was some how having fun this whole time. that is my day on Scarlet Blade. well so far i am still playing.
so all in all the game is nothing like most people here say it is though still in cbt i have to say i love the game more then any thang out their atm the lore and funny npc and awesome story is keeping me playing its 4 in the morning and after this post i am signing off i jest want to let people know this game is rilly rillly good if you can jest be mature about it you will find your self having a great time. so plzz don't over look this game it rilly is great in its own way people that jest wright it off are jerks trollers an immature kids that cant get over the fact that hot girls can kick some ass to. this is ren the rose saying don't judge a book bye its cover. good luck have fun see you later.
btw ... i never went to search for it , so i don't really know ... but is there online games like this with sex in it ? i mean like porno mmorpg ? lol
And yes this is a porn game. The models are so horribly anatomically warped that it hurts for me to look at. There is literally nothing good about the characters, except for, what, the colors? Nothing about it makes sense, as far as the lore is concerned. I don't even want to try to get into it because it's a pointless endeavor.
Impossible boobs and thighs and slut clothing = more players to fap = more money
I don't really expect much else from Aeria. They're desperate.
Only played for about 10 minutes because I had other business to attend to, but what I can say about the game so far is that the quest text is filled with sexual innuendo, the novelty of which wears off fast (for me at least), the combat is hotbar-cooldown based with fast cooldowns so far, haven't seen map markers for quest objectives yet, but there is auto-run to objectives.
Also, they clearly spent a lot more time on the character models than the environment.
America: 20% fap, 75% overreact and think the game is instantly terrible and is trying to insult women in one shape or another, 5% don't care and just play the game for the sake of playing the game.
All of Eastern Asia: >=50% loving the game and laughing because they see the game for what it is; A form of humor mixed with a grind-tasticle MMORPG, <=50% Probably not playing the game, but still laughing because they associate with bizarre humor.
...And people wonder why I would rather live in somewhere like Japan.
The deviation from the standard 'cleric, warrior, mage, archer' character selection was cool, though it does look like there's not much deviation from a classes intended purpose. So it looks like I'm out of luck, as far as class hybridization is concerned. But eh, maybe that's too much to ask for.
I don't know though. Due to almost uncomfortable amount of adult content, from quest dialog to character designs, I don't think I'll be able to recommend this game to my friends and family because, well, to be honest, it looks terribly dirty. I wonder how this game will fair in the long run because of that. Who knows. I sure as hell don't.
All in all, the game's not too bad, actually. Hell, I'd say it's better than a lot of other games on the market right now. Give it a shot if you've the time. It's sure to surprise.
I love mmobomb, but please grow up and drop this already. You've not even played the game enough to HAVE an opinion of it, so stop insulting it and the people who play it so I can gain my respect for you again.
Holy cow... that beats Age of Conan's "Enlarge your breasts!" item.