Rusty Hearts: Open Beta is Now Live!
Perfect World Entertainment announced that Rusty Hearts is now in open beta. Rusty Hearts is a highly anticipated hack and slash MORPG based on cel-shaded graphics, fast paced combo attacks and dungeon exploration. With thousands of new registrations on closed beta launch day itself, Rusty Hearts gives Perfect World Entertainment its largest day one closed beta turnout to date.
Players will be immediately ushered into an epic battle against an army of vampires and monsters. Players will also get to explore content up to level 25, over 150 new quests, 16 all new dungeons to raid, 15 new skills to master and much more. Once players progress their favorite character to level ten, they are free to engage in five epic PvP modes.
For more information on Rusty Hearts, visit the official website at
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The test will offer a look at the upcoming season, raids, and more.

Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

It's kind of a delay if you look at previous years, but we didn't technically have a release date yet anyway.

He also talks about his relief at player reception to the current alliance raids and how they decided to improve sprinting in safe areas.
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