RuneScape Now Offering Goodies To Players With Twitch Prime
If you have Twitch Prime and are a player of RuneScape, then it's time to get your hands on some purple goodies. Jagex recently announced RuneScape players with the Twitch Prime service are eligible for a variety of rewards -- including a premium currency pack containing 200 RuneCoins, 15 Treasure Hunter keys, and 40 Hearts of Ice.
Of course, there's more to the rewards than that. This is a four-month deal -- from the time someone connects their accounts -- which means something new will be available during each of those months. In the first month, Twitch Prime subscribers get the items mentioned above. In the second month, they get 14 days of free membership to both RuneScape and Old School. Month three is all about cosmetics so you'll need to stick around at least that long to get the purple stuff. And, month four is pretty much a grab-bag. Those who stick around that long will receive three Umbral Chests containing random goods.
Instructions on how to connect the two accounts and start earning items are available on the RuneScape site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Game Devs seem to want to over make money by getting players to join all these game themed things of nothing. Game devs greed has gone so mad that even though they are making shitloads of cash already by their own game or tool, they go & throw their players under another cash bus.
it seems today so many game players are gullible to freely and frivolously swipe or button press cash or go into credit for the gaming industry.
This shows one of the problems going into a cashless society as money become valueless, it only becomes accountable when its way too late. > DEBT <.
With hand held cash it has more value, as you can account for it, you cab show much it is, as you spent it, once its gone, you got nothing!.... till you get more of it.
The gaming Industry seems to have NO adjudicator or it seems the law of practices are weak, we seem way too slow to support this problem of cash grabbing for greed.
This is why these Game Dev companies have become the dairy owners of milking the cows who have no idea where their monies goes or is going, they just press buttons or swipe away it all.
And So the gaming companies know they have a cash card loophole.
This so tarnish's the gaming industry as we knew it, which is now going down the money grabbing who gives a dam about players path.