RuneScape 3 has now Launched
RuneScape continues to remain relevant as Jagex has just released the third iteration of the popular MMO.
If you haven't heard already, RuneScape 3 marks a significant revitalization of the MMO with a new story arc, interface, overhauled visuals and over 6 hours of new music. RuneScape 3 also marks the MMO's transition away from its staple Java client in favor of a fancy new HTML5 setup. Unfortunately, Jagex is recommending players hold off on using the HTML5 engine as it's still in testing.
To celebrate the launch Jagex is inviting all players to participate in the Battle of Lumbridge, a two month-long event where players can choose sides between two powerful factions. Each week players can collect divine tears which can be gathered through combat and skilling. Collecting tears will generate renown for the player which can be exchanged for XP lamps, hybrid armour, emotes, and more.
Players can expect the event to change week to week depending on their actions and the side with the most tears after ten weeks will emerge victorious. More details regarding these events can be found here.
Returning players looking for a more detailed list of changes should check out RuneScape 3's official FAQ.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yes, I would very much like to try this one.

Interested players have four days to help test the game on PC and console.

The PoE2 laptop prize look pretty snazzy.

You can play Flappy Hawk in a browser to get additional rewards while you wait for launch time.
The UI was "updated". By updated I mean they hired a sadist hipster who thought functionality was way too mainstream, so they royally screwed that up.
They added some lame story that forced me to watch a poorly animated cutscene I did not care at all about.
Overall, nothing has changed. Runescape 3 is just Runescape 2 except they stuck a few updates together and called it a new game....its like Call of Duty now.
I anticipate Runescape 4's release next year, looking almost exactly the same except rearranging the UI and adding a few quests to make it look like they did something.
Also they didn't even wait to add their new skill with retarded are they. That at least could have made the transition to Runescape 3 actually have SOMETHING tangible.
Physical attraction only goes so far, no matter how good something looks eventually you will get sick of the sight of it. RuneScape despite popular belief is one of the best mmorpg's I have ever played. Thats if you have the time to play that much to experience most of it.
Chocolate sauce looks like crap too but it taste so dam nice, why not give runescape a go.
Well I have not played RS but I may take a look this time around.