The Roof Is On Fire In PSO2, And An SAO Crossover Is On Its Way
Okay, really, lots of roofs are probably on fire. The latest Phantasy Star Online 2 urgent quest takes players to the City Area of the ARKS ship where fire has broken out and all hands are needed on deck to get it under control and rescue those who need it. To accomplish this, ARKS are being supplied with Rescue Guns, which are designed to work more effectively when confronting Flaming Detritus.
The Swirling Inferno on the ARKS Ship Urgent Quest released today, and is available on Ultra Hard. It also requires players to be Level 85 on both main and sub-classes. The quest has a 60 minute time limit. So, anyone who takes longer to complete it will have failed. Players must also acquire a total of 119 quest points for a successful completion.
Of course, a new quest means new rewards, and there are plenty. These include weapons and weapon camos. In addition, ARKS HQ will provide those who successfully complete the quest 100 Rising Weapons Badge 5.
In addition, Sega announced the next big PSO2 crossover today. On May 12, characters from Sword Art Online will join the PSO2 story in the most SAO way possible. Kirito and Asuna have logged on and are hanging out in the Shopping Plaza.
Players who manage to earn enough favor with them can earn their Partner Cards. They also have some requests that players will be rewarded for completing. Added bonus, all the rewards are in-game and not tied to the AC Scratch at all. These include outfits, hairstyles, weapons, and more.
The SAO event news isn't available on the PSO2 site yet. But, if you like merch, you may want to head over there anyway, as there's a giveaway going on.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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