Rocket League Nerfing Two Season One Challenges Based On Players' Feedback
Over the past two weeks, players have apprently been offering a good deal of feedback to Psyonix regarding the Season 1 challenges in Rocket League. More importantly, it seems like the company has been listening. Yesterday, on Reddit, Psyonix informed players that changes have been made to the Stage 2 Challenge, which required the player to make it to the Quarter-Finals in four scheduled tournaments. Now, the requirement is to play in four scheduled tournaments. Players who haven't already hit the original goal don't need to worry about losing whatever progress they have made. It will simply count toward the new goal instead.
A Stage 3 challenge has also been adjusted. Now, rather than needing to get 200 assists in online matches -- which seems like a lot -- players only need to get 50. Those who have already crossed the 50 assists threshold will no longer see a progress bar for it. That said, they will need to earn at least one more assist in an online match for it to register as completed.
The post also addresses tournaments, noting that the devs are taking player feedback into account and are working on various changes. However, said changes aren't ready as of yet, so they're holding off on letting players know exactly what they're up to.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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