RoboCraft Adds Mechs In Latest Update

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

The indie robot-building and fighting game RoboCraft has officially released the League of Mechs update. The update, which comes with an updated game launcher, brings a variety of new features -- including mech legs for those who want that real mech-fighter feel. Also added are leagues which will allow you to show off your robot building and battling skills.

As with any update, this one also features some improvements and bux fixes. In general, these are your standard quality of life changes, including modifications to the chat interface.

The full list of additions and changes can be found on the RoboCraft site.

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In this article: Robocraft.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (10)

MoB 9 years ago
The decesion to have only deathmatch battles before robo is 30 mil+ ruined the strategical part of the game. Now you can no longer use plasma bombers like you used to. They have become near obsolete. Deathmatch means no strategy just go in kill as many before you are killed.

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NopnopanNOP 9 years ago
Until they are able to balance this game correctly I don't think I will bother any more. They keep changing just the stats of the guns when what is required is a complete over haul on how the weapons work instead of just changing what damage it does.

Also they should limit weapons to each build since at any moment only six guns are usable why not limit it to only just 6 allowed on any build instead this will kill all gun beds for good and add some more skill based game play..

6 limited smg
6 limited plasma
railcannons need to be reset back and limited to only being able to use 3 per build.

The idea of how to balance the game is not limited only to just changing the stats of the guns but to change the core of how we use them instead.

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Jäeger 9 years ago
Cool, mechs.

Does it matter? Nope. Because the game will be the same as before. People will still build boxes and a million cannons and nothing will change.

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Apoth 9 years ago
This game was freakin GREAT when it first came out... but update after update they just kept screwing it up more and more and more and ignoring the playerbase and trying to capitalize on their rush of popularity.

The last straw for me was when they added those boss battles that you had to wait 2 weeks+ to play ONE SINGLE GAME of. It was so frustrating that it made me quit altogether.

Shame really.

-GG-TheSecondJoker 9 years ago
They messed up with their latest updates. These level-unlock thing ruined the whole tech tree/shop system. I mean I lost about 30 items and got around 15 which I never wanted. I don't want nothing new.. I just want the old system back. It was way better IMO.

phanda 9 years ago
Hate comments incoming

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