Riot Unbans League of Legends Player Whose Toxicity Got An Employee Fired
Remember when a Riot Games employee was fired for saying nasty things about a toxic and oft-banned League of Legends player? At the time, that player, Tyler1, said that he'd "changed" -- and apparently, Riot now agrees.
As Tyler1 himself reported on Twitter, he's now unbanned after "613 DAYS OF INTENSE REHAB" and plans to start streaming again on Monday. He's obviously on a short leash, as the terms of his reinstatement include staying clean on all accounts he uses. There's a long thread about the topic on Reddit, which includes a reply from Riot employee Ryan "The_Cactopus" Ringey stating that "we don’t comment on the ban status of ID banned players." A linked picture included a mousepad at Ringey's desk that said "Tyler1 Reformed."
I've generally been of the opinion that ridiculously toxic players should be kicked out of a game permanently and have the proverbial key thrown away. That said, Riot has to know what it's doing -- and the backlash that could come if this move backfires -- in unbanning Tyler1. If he actually has changed his ways, good on him for coming to terms with his toxicity. If not, the door can't slam shut on him quickly enough.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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this toxic player is a twitch streamer, I don't watch any of the guy cause he really is an annoying kid. But the point is in loads of games populair streamers are being used to advertise their games. Basically game company's pay streamers to play their games or they can even get free advertisement if a streamer is known to play a game regularly.
So unless riot would unban him he probably wouldn't be playing LoL and so they would lose a big chance on advertisement. this tyler1 prick maybe has about 50k viewers a day so it's all about the money as always.
unfortunatly for the fired employee it is nothing for riot to just fire someone when they can make alot of money by doing so.
To go even deeper, Pubg [player unkown battlegrounds] is one of the biggest games on steam nowadays. Maybe someone here knows the streamer Dr.Disrespect who played pretty much nothing else then pubg daily and also has around 50k viewers regular so without statistics he probably is one of the reasons the game got that big.
Simply cause most viewers on twitch are gamers themselfs they like watching someone play games and think this is a cool game i'm gonna get it myself and thats how it works
What about the employee that got fired because of this Toxic player?
Do he get rehired back to work? the poor employee literally lost his job, while this Toxic player only lost his account for a Free-to-Play game...
I see this as Riot being unfair and valuing on a Toxic player more than actual people that needed the job for money to live.
The most toxic thing about LOL is not community, but it's mechanics, they let you chat in game (if you chat in a moba, you are not playing it right, it is too complex tto direct in chat while playing, you need a voip, or you can communicate great with live action map pings and emotes like: "Player X Move here" with an emote and a ping...all that exists in this game.... including a nice "ping abuse cool down" feature, NO NEED to have a chat....
That means toxicity comes in these forms:
1) Knowingly playing on dial up to lag matches out.
2) LEavers, and people not doing their role or changing lanes to adapt to situation (people play thinking they are strictly one role or one lane).
If you win in this game the losing team will fake report you.
IF you win in this game, people that are jealous or are mad because you did not play how you wanted, will report you.
I had tons of 20 min queue bans, making the game nearly unplayable thanks to fake reports.
Then, in a match, as my team was losing and raging and bullying everyone, including me, I said, "Stop bullying noob"...and I got a PERMA BAN. That is right, Riot thought "Noob" was offensive enough to remove my account I put years of work in.
I sent a ticket. The response for the Company was a dissapointing blurp about "Your a certain percetnage of players that are toxic so you can't have your account back".... ANd guess what they did the next day: Release an official League Video titles: "HOw not to be a noob in LOL" Yes folks, these hypocrites are a toxic company that promote toxict behavior and hypocritically ban and their pro players to show they are "active for all family players". I will never go back to this game despite being a fan and liking it. Game over.
I implore anyone that is still playing this game to stop wasting your life on it. It's a broken gambling machine and it will always remain that way. If you don't get that then there is no helping you and I pity you for that.
If Riot really cared about toxicity then the chat box would be removed because the game has enough tools to communicate without typing a word. But they don't care, it's all about the popularity and money, the more popular they are the more money they get. They want you to get hooked start liking the game and maybe buy a few skins because you like the champ or you can relate to it. Maybe get banned and have to start over again, spend money to get champs faster. There is no achievements to show for in this game and it's always the same thing. I could go on but there are several videos on Youtube that will example why League of Toxicity is just pure cancer. Screw Riot and anyone that stands by them.