Riot Games Gets An Early Start On Pride
Break out the rainbows and the glitter bombs, it's Pride season again and the celebrations are already kicking off in Riot's various games. This year, there are not only rainbow Poros and trails in League of Legends, but Legends of Runeterra, Teamfight Tactics, and Wild Rift all have something going on. (Of course, there's the real-world merch as well, for those of you who'd like to have Pride-themed League merch and support a charity at the same time.)
Since the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia was just a couple of days ago, Riot has gone ahead and kicked off its Pride events with plans to roll through June with it. During this event, each of the company's games will feature special cosmetics including icons, emotes, and trails. Most of these items can be obtained in game by completing different missions.
In League of Legends, it appears that some of these missions will revolve around Diana and Leona, and Riot promises a narrative release about their time together will arrive soon. Of course, that's for the lore fans among you. For those of you who just want to fight, don't worry, there's plenty of that, and as you complete various mission requirements you'll be rewarded with items ranging from a Pride 2021 Icon to 500 B.E.
Legends of Runeterra fans can look forward to a colorful new guardian, Ellie the (rainbow) Elephant, as well as the new "Everybody Gets Love!" emote, and Poro Icons for flags. These are all available as a bundle in the game's store, but they're free.
In Teamfight Tactics, players will get some sparkly Pride booms, featuring the colors of the various flags, and a Pride-themed LoL trail.
Finally Wild Rift players have seven new Poro Pride flag icons, a new homeguard trail, and a Pride emote. The flag icons and homeguard trail are obtained via the same mission, literally, all you have to do is play one game, and the emote is a reward for playing 10 games with one of the other items equipped.
If you're the merch type, there's plenty of that, too. They'll be available in the Riot merch shop beginning June 1st and ending July 31st, with 100% of the proceeds going to the "It Gets Better Project." There are various articles of clothing and a mug among other things. Information on these goodies and the in-game events is available on the League of Legends site.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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