Revelation Online's Gunslinger Has Quite The Arsenal
Do guns belong in fantasy MMOs? That's a topic some people have strong views on, but there's no doubt where the makers of Revelation Online stand, as they revealed a preview video for the gunslinger class today.
In addition to being a top-tier physical DPS class, gunslingers also have buffs and control abilities, choosing pistols for high mobility or a sniper rifle for greater damage. They can summon the razor puppet, "a fearsome attack robot," or jump inside a suit of juggernaut armor to devastate foes with an energy cannon. Their wide variety of gadgets and weapons grants them significant versatility in combat and plenty of ways to dish out the pain.
Also, if you're up for a chuckle, take a look at the description of the video on its YouTube page. That's quite the impressive attempt to get search results for other MMOs to come to your channel, no?
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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There's still time to test those builds.

However, the game is Web3-based.

It doesn’t matter what platform you’re on, you’re in for a bunch of content.

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I would stick a older MMO games that been out in the years when technology wasn't advance but everything now has high graphic in MMO games mostly nowadays. I do miss the days when games didn't just focus on graphic but game-play too.
There some MMO games left in 2011 that have not shut down but still going strong today in 2016 this year.
1 .Elsword
2. Cosmic break
3 .Getamped 2
4 .Rumble Fighter
5 .Aika
6. Transformice (Browser Game)
7. Cosmic League
8. Cloud Nine
9. Team Fortress 2
10. Latale
Let's give this gunslinger the ability to heal stuff as well, then delete all the other classes.
Voila, all-in-one-super-duper fun class complete. :D
I mean come on really?:
1. mobile double pistol stance.
2. high dps sniper stance.
3. tank stance in suit.
4. buffer too?! wtf lol.
So yeah, all that's left is to teach it to heal. :D
I know what 99.9% people going to play now.