Revelation Online Highlights Gear
A recent post by the team gives players a peek at what they can expect when it comes to gear in the game. The post gives an overview of a variety of elements associated with in-game gear, including class restrictions, quality levels, and stats.
As with many MMOs, specific types of gear are available only for certain classes. There are three kinds of armor: cloth, leather, and plate armor. Cloth is worn by Swordmages and Spiritshapers, leather by Gunslingers and Occultists, and Vangaurds and Blademasters take the plate. Each class is also given its own very specific weapons.
There are 5 gear levels -- indicated by color, as with other games. Different quality items are earned by completing different tasks. For example, green are earned from killing mobs in the open world and dungeons while violet items are earned by killing bosses. Gold gear is obtained using honor points or Order of the Guardians' reputation points.
Players also have the ability to create their own gold gear later on in the game. This gear will have higher stats than regular gold gear.
Speaking of stats, characters have 5 basic stats: agility, energy, intellect, stamina, and strength as well as 33 "secondary parameters". Gear provides bonuses to both stats and parameters, meaning players will want to select their equipment carefully.
For the most part, Revelation Online's gear system sounds fairly familiar -- with perhaps a few tweaks. You can read the full blog post on the Revelation Online site.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Put on your green skins and avoid getting pinched.
"Gold gear is obtained using honor points or Order of the Guardians’ reputation points."
and let me remind you people who says this game is not p2w: u get 30% extra guardians' reputation points with premium scrolls.
also what hasn't been addressed here, you can upgrade each item piece from green up to gold with crafting, so bad luck and ninja looter may not stop you from getting best gear