The Repopulation Shifting to Smaller Reports with Latest Patch

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:


Above and Beyond Technologies just keeps plugging away at their MMORPG, The Repopulation. If you've played the game (currently in Alpha) or have just been following it closely, you may have wondered why updates seem so few and far in between.

While the game has been receiving updates on a regular schedule, the communication of those updates has been limited to the "monthly updates" provided by the developers. This lag in communication could lead to some pretty large issues down the line. To rectify this, The Repopulation will now be giving small "patch notes" type updates more frequently...starting with patch 14.12.1 which is being loaded onto servers as I write.

This patch is VERY big. If there's been issues in game that have driven you away from the game, you may want to take a peek at the patch notes because there's a big chance that your issues have been touched upon.

In today's patch, Plymouth City and other areas of the game are starting to receive a graphic update that includes both texture changes and performance improvements. The game's user interface (particularly the chat functions) have also benefited from a lot of extra special attention.

Combat has also received a number of changes, including the fixing of a major global cooldown bug, and while the combat still isn't quite where Above and Beyond Technologies wants it, the next major patch is tackling combat head-on.

This literally just scratches the surface of The Repopulation's latest patch. If you're in game already (you can buy into Early Access on Steam) let us know what you think of all of the updates below!

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About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (3)

Arieswar 10 years ago
Im a alpha tester and as above statement allready explained its to early to begin to play it hardcore and also the wipe is comming along sometime down the line.. the game is a grind in diffrent areas and the closest you can get to explain this is to actully look at the old star wars gallaxies, now even doh many claim this is the new swg hit it differs in many places and lack the same feel on many things.

What i would like to know is when will the wipes end?
i think many are holding back and i can only recommend buying it if you whanna support its development, its not a finished product by far.

fallenj 10 years ago
Its a alpha, or at least that's what I just read. You would not be playing to play the game. You would be playing to do testing and help the game progress. Being part of the community, submitting bugs, and speaking your mind about what you like and don't like. 10 years ago
I am a huge fan of the game. I just don't want to play it right now because of them planning to wipe the game. Nothing bothers me more than spending hundreds of hours in a game to lose it all and having to do it again. Even more so in games where the grind is real.

Regardless the update was huge and I think smaller patches is a very smart decision. Makes them look more active.

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