The Repopulation Now Available on Steam Early Access

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

Talk about a slow burn. The Repopulation has been a topic on this site and our podcast for years now. Surprisingly, we know only a little more about the game now than we did back then. That's all about to change though as Above and Beyond Technologies has officially moved The Repopulation to Steam's Early Access.

The Early Access cost is currently $33.99 (on sale until December 29th, normal cost is $39.99) and will also grant purchasers the chance to buy a lifetime membership once the game launches. Plan on that fee being about the same price as a normal box cost.

While The Repopulation will be free to play, a tiered membership is also planned to be revealed in full soon.

If you've been looking for the next "Star Wars: Galaxies" type game, The Repopulation might be the closest you'll be coming in a long time. With a more sandbox, "play the way you want to play" attitude, Above and Beyond is trying to allow players to literally only take part in the type of content they enjoy playing.

The launch of Early Access also means that there will be no more character wipes (unless a change in the game requires one) planned and the Non Disclosure Agreement is no longer in effect. This means we'll probably start seeing quite a bit more about the title soon, so stay tuned.

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In this article: The Repopulation, .

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (24)

7scr 10 years ago
Man this looks really cool (the concept that is) - but it looks a bit dated and the cheesy video music and narrator doesn't help.

I have a feeling I'd be really into the gameplay, but it'd be a turn off to most people and thus won't get off the ground

Doomex 10 years ago
"sigh" I hope this isn't another early acces bait like Archeage>.>.Pay them money and then middle finger.I wonder how many people will still buy the early acces "and the cicle continues".

prohero113 10 years ago
So.... this look bad

Android 10 years ago
Looks like pay to win + description

ashoppingcartglx 10 years ago
Looks great, but the early access pass is a downer what happen to beta testers

tolshortte 10 years ago
in its current state most wont want to play it anyways. it has some bugs, it gets choppy at times depending on the state of the server. it isn't finished plain and simple.

if you like sandbox games with a strong pvp aspect this may be the game for you. if you want a theme park that holds your hand with safety zones then don't bother, you wont like it.

ive nothing that is pay to win. its all convenience and cosmetic and the devs have stated many times that's all they will offer.

so many haters in the gaming community these days. the worst part of gaming these days is the community. "omgwtfbbqsauce!? it cost money!?? gtfo!?". don't want to pay right now? then don't, its probably not worth the price if you aren't doing it to support the devs anyway.

Sub 10 years ago
Seems like a boring game with bad mechanics that's going to turn into a cash grab if it isn't already.

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PandaStick 10 years ago
Combat, HUD look bad, not really interested,.

Heaves 10 years ago
early access? more like pay to play early

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Meh 10 years ago
So game will be free to play, with an option to buy yourself an advantage (Membership), i don't have a good feeling about that...

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