Reloaded Games Acquires Hawken

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

Reloaded Games, the publisher of APB: Reloaded and Fallen Earth -- both of which were developed by other companies before falling under the Reloaded banner -- has just added another game to its stable.

Meteor Entertainment has turned Hawken over to Reloaded Games, as confirmed on the @PlayHAWKEN Twitter:

Hawken was a game that looked and felt great, and that got a good share of buzz during its development, but which seemed to get caught up in the wash of similar titles, such as Mechwarrior Online and Titanfall, and never really burst out like some thought it would. Indeed, if this article is correct, then the Meteor crew might have bought into their own hype a bit too much:

Meteor overestimated how popular the game would become, they had even commented that they didn’t need to do any marketing for the game because gamers and the community would sell it to new players. How wrong they were.

So what do you think of the new direction for Hawken?

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About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (14)

Randyblythe 10 years ago
"The community would do the marketing"

For an -extremely- niche market of mech combat?

I really don't think there are a lot of people out there that are mech lovers, if it were a fantasy game I'd understand a bit more, but MECHS? I played it a little bit, it was alright, but mechs in general turn me off because fantasy is a much better setting, and will NEVER be overdone, because fantasy can go as far as your imagination can go, which is pretty much infinite, while mechs are a linear concept.

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Hopeful 10 years ago
Glad to see Hawken has been picked back up. Great game that I was sad to see let go. Going to re download now in the hopes that this goes well

coma 10 years ago
Hawken is dead because of very bad movement system, i mean strafing, its for addicts only, not going beck with same system.

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random 10 years ago
This was a fun game honestly and I hope that they can breath some new life into it.

SethSamson 10 years ago
Yep ... there was lacking of marketing from metero . no commecial no overall promo etc etc

ReDxXx 10 years ago
I got love for reloaded for reviving (and kinda f***ing up) APB, but you guys are kinda wasting your time.

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kestas24 10 years ago
Game is Dead RIP

todoran 10 years ago
lets the game dye .... they are gona make baners in ga,e whit "buy premium" like for fallen earth.

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