RaiderZ Open Beta Announced, Founder Pack Grants Neverwinter Closed Beta Access
It's been a long time coming but Perfect World has finally announced the open beta date for RaiderZ. The popular action oriented MMORPG wrapped up its closed beta earlier this month and is now gearing up for the open beta set to start on October 24th.
When asked about the reception of RaiderZ so far Senior Producer Mark Hill had this to say "The positive reception from players and critics has been amazing so far,". "With RaiderZ's action-focused combat, incredible boss fights, and gorgeous visuals, we expect the title to offer a breath of fresh air to fans of the MMO genre. We’re excited to be able to finally announce when all players can experience RaiderZ for themselves.”
Perfect World also announced two founder's packs for RaiderZ which allows players the opportunity to snag some additional in-game items to use at launch. The packs come in both an "Elite" and "Basic" variety. Perhaps the most interesting perk of the elite founder's pack is the addition of guaranteed closed beta access for Neverwinter, Perfect World's upcoming Dungeons and Dragons MMO.
The basic founder's pack includes almost the same in-game items but no access to the Neverwinter beta. The "Elite" version is priced at $29.99 while the "Basic" is priced at just $9.99 essentially making the Neverwinter beta access a value of around 20 dollars. With no planned beta dates in site for Neverwinter it's a bit of a leap of faith to purchase the Elite pack just for the sole purpose of getting into the beta especially since it is unclear exactly how hard/easy it will be to get into the beta.
What is your thoughts on the matter? Let us know!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.

The Ubisoft show certainly keeps getting more interesting.

The title and the company are closing on March 31st.

There's actually 3 events awarding Starbloom Coins.
I liked the graphics, detail, and combat. Any mob fight, even bears, was stressful as you had to read the body language and roll, counter attack accordingly. The mobs react to distance and close range attacks and sometimes hide a surprise attack where they pick you up and toss you or do whatever. You can pick pieces off dead mobs and use them on other mobs, just looks cool and keep action fluid.
I had enough gear designes and upgrades to keep me looking cool through leveling up. This is all CB remind you.
Crafting was with scrolls and not GW2 lameness.
Allot of quests were interactive early on, like touch a statue and turn into this wierd horse footed monster to go fight this large tree like monsters... Just was fun.
Bad side was that crafting items came from mobs, leather, fruits, flowers, etc... strange. Nothing is cultivated from the ground. So knowing what mobs drop what will be important.
Because the controls are free range combat, with CTRL turning the mouse into menu mode, It is not always easy to group up and CB didnt have allot of guilds. But I never needed a group in CB..
Not a fan that this is under Gameforge and PWE.
FROGSTER/Gameforge - EU
shame on u mmobomb for not specify this note
I dont even want to tackle a game by PWE anymore.