RaiderZ Alpha Test is Coming!

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Perfect World Entertainment announced the long-awaited exclusive Alpha Test of RaiderZ, begins on March 14, 2012. The colossal monster hunting MMORPG will finally be playable by a highly limited number of North American gamers. In RaiderZ, explore the vivid and surreal land of Rendel in search of behemoths and epic monsters of legend. Find them. Slay them.

"Fans of action MMOs and the monster hunting subgenre of gaming are in for a one-of-a-kind experience with RaiderZ," said Yoon Im, Senior VP/GM of Game Publishing, Perfect World Entertainment. "With fast non-targeting gameplay and a classless character system, players of RaiderZ have direct control over a character's skills and play style. With challenging PvE and PvP combat, epic boss fights and a comprehensive crafting system, RaiderZ is an amazingly high quality free MMORPG and we can't wait to let gamers in."

Key features include:

Exotic Real-Time Battles
An exciting, responsive real-time battle system brings players directly into the fight. Evade and block, strike and destroy. Hunting takes strategy, power and skill.

Too Close for Comfort
Monsters get personal as they grab, smash, maul and eat players alive. Rip monsters apart and use their own weapons and limbs against them in battle or for crafting, lest you be clutched, clawed, thrown and otherwise savaged.

Know Your Enemy... It Knows You
Gigantic, intelligent bosses keep even the swarthiest groups on their toes. Work together with fellow hunters to discover the weaknesses of raging, mythological beasts and employ team tactics and strategies to permanently take them down.

Unique Character System
Weapons determine skills in RaiderZ. Choose from over 350 skill combinations to build custom character unlike any other.

Open World
Track monsters in an open world and explore diverse landscapes. Carefully tread through the deepest, darkest jungles; brave the narrow passes of snow-covered mountains, and be caught by an ever-changing weather system.

Cutting Edge Graphics
By leveraging the power afforded in NVIDIA graphics and PHYSX interactions, RaiderZ features vibrant visuals and a level of physicality not yet seen in MMOs.

Get more information about RaiderZ at:

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: RaiderZ.

Discussion (22)

Maxton 12 years ago
Dear MMOBomb... PLEASE GIVE ME A BETA KEY, IM STARVING FOR SOME GAME TIME.. I haven't gamed in 2 weeks, there's nothing to play anymore :[.. They just don't make any good f2p games, until I saw this and Firefall. I've been trying to get a Firefall beta key since December, but I guess Imma just wait for the official release of that game in a couple years or so -_-.. Anyways......... PLEASE A BETA /ALPHA/ WHATEVER KEY, AS LONG AS IT GETS ME IN RAIDERZONLINE :DD Im a fan of ya guys on facebook, and have been watching your weekly episodes on youtube.

slaxor01 13 years ago
Give me a Alpha key

Snow 13 years ago
according to PW the system requirements are (lol) :
Operating Systems: Windows® XP, Windows 2000, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
CPU: Intel® Pentium® i3-2 3.3GHz CPU or better
Hard Disk: 16GB Free HD Space
Graphics: nVIDIA GeForce GTX560 with 1GB RAM Sound Drivers: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound chip or onboard audio capability with the latest sound drivers
Sound Drivers: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Network: Broadband internet connection

-wtf? i3-2 3.3 GHz ? >_>

TheGamer 13 years ago
I only hope PWE dont fu*k everthing like their other games...

Nuro0o 13 years ago
Whoo finally an alpha test ^^ Hope i can get init^^

DrunkSlaine 13 years ago
Hopefully, we will have some key ;)
Can't wait to play that.

SkiperBuco 13 years ago
I reedemed my key a long time ago and i've been waiting for it but it's only in NA...damn

Dizzyjay 13 years ago
I was looking at this game while back, if I remember correctly, I thinks its character customization is the old style ones, not sliders.

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Nox 13 years ago
You guys want us to roll a betting pool to see how long it takes Perfect World to ruin the game with a cash shop?

View 1 reply
George 13 years ago
I've played this game before honestly.. It sucks bawls. Don't expect anything great from it. It's poorly made!

View 2 replies
nexthazard 13 years ago
one thing i dun like bout this game is that u have to be in a party to do some quest other than that its epic :D !

EvisceratriX 13 years ago
wowwwwwwwww i've been waiting for this!! the alternate of tera!! OMGAWSH!!!!

nyan 13 years ago
there wont be any giveaways for this, its alpha testing.

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zamKing 13 years ago
im a true mmobomber so i will get the first beta key anyway !! :D PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ it looks so awesome .. i keep following you ...and hum when will be the giveaway for c9 ?? well keep it up !!

9Breaker 13 years ago
Looking forward to the character customization system.

SoulKiller12(perfect world addict) 13 years ago
where are the keys?!!
i need to redeem them now pls

1ubercat 13 years ago YES YES!!

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