Ragnorocked: Tree of Savior Trailer brings back classic Ragnarok nostalgia
For many, Ragnarok Online 2 was an ill attempt at a proper sequel to the original. The third-person MMO did little to fill the Poring sized hole in player's hearts that ached for a successor worthy of being called a spiritual sequel to Ragnarok. Well I am here today to say the first trailer for Tree of Saviour might do just that.
Originally codenamed Project R1, Tree of Savior is an upcoming Korean action MMO whose graphics immediately remind us of an updated Ragnarok, and for good reason. The MMO is being developed by IMC Games with the project being spearheaded by none other than Hakkyu Kim, considered by many to be the "father of Ragnarok Online". Kim actually had a hand in developing Ragnarok Online 2, but parted ways with its developer, Gravity Interactive before its completion.
Tree of Savior features incredibly colorful environments, thanks to a combination of 2D characters and a mixture of 2D and 3D environments, with some bosses also being 3D. The unique artstyle blend helps sell Tree of Savior as an updated take on Ragnarok rather than an entirely different type of MMO. That's not to say Tree of Savior hasn't adopted some modern gaming traits. The MMO does feature a non-target based combat system which, when coupled with the camera angle, draws similarities to ARPG's.
IMC Games debuted the trailer at this year's G-Star in Busan, Korea. During the presentation, IMC Games stated Tree of Savior Online possessed 80 different classes to play and 200 unique bosses. The first round of testing is scheduled to begin in February 2014, with no word yet on when or even if the game will head to the West.
Thanks, Steparu.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Gerard: I'm afraid your "2cents" as you put it does not matter. What I'm sensing here is a butthurt RO1 troll pissed off cause Yumegami doesn't agree with the absolute bullshit you're trying to force down his throat. :P Whether you accept it or not, its it's not a fact that RO1 is better than RO2 or vice versa. It is a matter of opinion. Raging that a person is "stupid" or flawed because their opinion is contrast to yours makes you exactly what you claim Yumegami to be, a troll :D.
B.D.: -_- I can definitely see how mature you are (sarcasm). Raging because someone's preference is towards 3D style gameplay rather than 2D while at the same time shouthing "GROW UP" as you leave in a childish fit; makes you just as immature as those you claim to be.
Atonal: Sorry to burst your bubble V.V. However, reality check :3. "RO2 is NOT a good game." is your opinion not fact. No matter how much you wish it were fact. Whether you're for it or against it, its all opinion in the end :D.
LOLB*TCHPLS: V.V Your ignorance speaks for itself. Commenting on you would amount to nothing more than nurturing your stupid and immaturity.
Welp I'll get back to RO1 and RO2. I've wasted enough time here. :D Laters
Which is pretty awesome because in RO there is a level cap that when reached, most of the character classes become less unique. Paladin A and Paladin B will seem almost the same in Skill/Stats which almost makes me feel less accomplished :(.
The difference with this game (Tree of Savior) is that it will force us to think more about what we are doing in the game, how it will affect us.
Can't wait to play! :D
Yes, this is making fun of all of you here. Because you are funny. It's a compliment!
A pity.
I also hope it doesn't die very early.