Ragnarok Online 2 Open Beta Restricted to Asia

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Ragnarok Online 2 had a rocky start in late December, with publisher Asiasoft having to delay the open beta date due to high server congestion which caused the game to be unplayable for most. The new open beta date was set for today, January 3rd and as promised Asiasoft has released RO2 into open beta, but with some changes that have the community absolutely furious.

Originally Asiasoft had marketed their release of Ragnarok Online 2 as the first English version of the game with fans being led to believe they could access the game in the west despite the actual servers being located in the SEA region. In a quick turn of events however, Asiasoft released a message yesterday via the game's Facebook page stating that the game would only be available to gamers from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam due to "Asiasoft's "licence agreement with the game's developer, Gravity Co." Which means unless you are from those areas you wont be getting in.

There is no question that it was a severe oversight on Asiasoft's part to not announce the change in service areas sooner, especially since the company seems to pride itself in being the first ever publishers of an English version of the game, yet the largest English speaking areas cannot actually play!

The question as to whether or not Ragnarok Online 2 would actually be a subjectively good MMORPG is a whole other topic. If Duke Nukem has taught us anything, the wait can often times be more memorable then the game itself.

Editors Note: Some players have reported that despite the official FB announcement, the game appears as if it hasn't implemented any IP block. Perhaps the company was alluding to just player support and payment options. Nevertheless, don't be surprised if an IP block is implemented soon.

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In this article: Ragnarok Online 2.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (65)

Rock 12 years ago
i can open and login but cant play always come out this error

The following program(s) cannot be operated with the game at the same time.


i try reinstall but still the same dont know how to fix it

leynardgamer 12 years ago
That is why I can't play <a href="http://webjunkiesblog.blogspot.com/2013/01/lets-play-ragnarok-2-online.html" rel="nofollow">Ragnarok 2</a> yet in the Philippines. Sigh.

Chip 12 years ago
Iam A Malaysia Player. a Former RO 1 hardcore Player.
For all those who was hoping for this game. anticipating.
a 3D cool RO game.. Sorry..

-Bad game mechanics = Stats point dont do much effect even on High lvl Player. ex. a well combo Buffed Ranger with haste - AGI stat normal attack speed is still slow WTFish..
-Bad skill Graphic
-Improvement of Equipment - Hugely depends on CASH item.
being Malaysian based server - Bad Server Device = EPIC Killer LAG.
-The Card system is not fun anymore - Must Have cash item to Unlock card better ability.

Imagine Ro2 - gates of the world graphic-engine - being REMAKE to this game.
this is 2013 - not 2005.. Better game mechanic have come out better graphic aswell.

rockmeo 12 years ago
is this open beta gettin wipe on ob?

Angelicxx 12 years ago
@magicman aia want to let you know magic man that ragnarok 2 dosent have ip block at least anymore if u go 2 website it has client that says other in if you click on it you can download it when u do download it you well see that it has server specificly for the countrys that were originaly announced to go into open beta then it has 2 global servers which all other(includeing us) can play on im playing it right now so go check it out .I havent played the og ragnarok cause i just got into pc gaming about the middel of last year so i cant tell you know comparisions foreal i do know that the have skills from the og rag just re animated in better graphics in such but anyhow when ever u get the time to download it go ahead cause its not ip block it has the clients for those easter countries that were announced then it has global one that says other the only thing ul find hard is to find a chanelll in the 2 global servers thats not full or completely red for crowded lol yes its that packed.

Treeman 12 years ago
The game is terrible. I didn't feel like it's actually the sequel of the original Ragnarok Online. This so called Ragnarok Online 2, feels like just another the same mmorpg like any others; it doesn't feel unique, unlike the first one.

Furholden 12 years ago
I tried this game for a few days and i just can't get over the fact of how shitty the remake of the legendary Ragnarok Online is. The only thing that is keeping me logged on to this RO2 is because i loved RO1 so much...

I don't know if i should continue playing a game i don't like just because i absolutely loved it's predecessor.

I need advice, guys..

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IrAfro 12 years ago
Actually this article is not true at all. I'm from the US and my group of friends and I have been playing RO2 since the launch date of January 3, 2012. There is no IP restriction. They even have 2 servers dedicated to people who aren't playing from the SEA area. Please recheck your facts before you post. Thanks.

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Phillip J. Fry 12 years ago
Not sure if I can't play because of bad download from crap foreign mmo company

Or sign of future IP block to come from crap foreign mmo company

Avaray 12 years ago
You dont need VPN after petition to Asiasoft and facebook protest.

- Change your system Data/Time for "English (Singapur)"

- Download game
- Lauch and wait for patching
- Play (you can have Login Timeouts sometimes)

If that doesnt work - try to restart PC.
Tested on Win7 and It works.

Paybackaiw 12 years ago
A few friends of mine played it. All of them said the same thing. Better off with RO1 than RO2.

Maybe I shouldn't pick up this game.

KJ 12 years ago
anyone know how to chenge server Asiasoftt to Korean RO...???

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
this game and how asiasoft treats it is pretty much gonna f* up the game itself letting people test their game getting ther feedback and then telling them they can't enjoy the 'fixed" RO2 in the ob pff that sounds like a horrible company to me and if as i said u CAN login but asiasoft won't help u in case u got problems thats even worse i though an mmo wants to have as many players as possible i quess for asiasoft its not like that.oh well bits me i am was not gonna play RO2 anyways so w/e its just sad that asiasoft backstabs its players like that

Creeperpixel 12 years ago
the game is not all that impressive, but as I played it, its just full of nostalgia sake since RO was my first MMO.Its so packed with people in all channels that its really hard to get in now XD.
This may not be the best MMO but its certainly very VERY popular. First time seeing an mmo with all servers and channels full.

icyneesan 12 years ago
Canadian user here. Was able to log in and make a character at around 7:50am. Could still log in at around 8:20am but all the channels were full. Its now about 9am and my log in just times out now. Could be a problem on my end, but

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Reis 12 years ago
I can confirm that players from the PH and INDO can't connect to the game unless they use a VPN.

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Krevra 12 years ago
Yet another game that should have been released in early 2000. I have no idea what the publishers where thinking releasing this, most ragnarok fans ive heard of think this is the worse possible way to make a part 2, now its just a generic mmogrinder. I honestly dont expect much life out of this game considering you got much higher production quality games releasing that are f2p.

Blahblah 12 years ago

lolgg 12 years ago
After maintenance on RO2 it seems that Ein... well whatever that server's name, besides its name states "ALL" while the other server is stated for Malaysia and Singapore. I don't know what they're trying to say now that the other server is for "everyone" or just certain other countries. Nonetheless I am still able to login and yes I'm an US player.

sadmanex 12 years ago
i hope you guys can do first-look impression and its got good and bad thing
RO2 chat got filter function which is good bec many player spam chat, also new card system, and RO1 similarity which bring nostalgic feeling.

when i play , i spot a few bug such as unable to use any skill that force me to restart client, defeat monster take awhile to dead and some more
OH and also discriminate issues between player

some people in MMOBOMB that hate RO2 bec its in 3D ,and they prefer RO2 that same graphic as RO1, i just wonder if they ever heard the word 'expansion'

anyway i really hope i can see you guys doing first-look impression in RO2

Chibiex 12 years ago
What's up guys, just a different source to confirm that you ARE allowed to log in and play but it will be very laggy, quests will take about 3 to 10 seconds to update and combat data will be very slow too. However if you really want to try the game and don't mind all this then go ahead by all means! Cheers. And yes I have tried this myself, it is literally unplayable and the servers are crowded.

ReviewPoster 12 years ago
Ragnarok Online 2 is all WoW graphics almost same a WoW gameplay to.

rpgiqbal 12 years ago
Just when I wanted mmobomb.com to do a first-look impression on this game, this sh*t happened.

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hovsep56 12 years ago
i just played it today for 10 hoursand i live in belgium i dont think there is an ip block

Armored 12 years ago
You guys are all idiots don't post false information until you know what you are posting is the facts. I have played throughout the closed beta, stress tests and now the Open Beta with zero issues and no lag once so ever. I live in Arizona, USA.

There was NEVER mention of any type of "IP Block" once so ever so how this rumor started is beyond me.... All that Asiasoft SEA said was that they will not be provided any type of game services to outside Country's whom are not listed as the ones they cover. Thus being customer service and in game cash shop services. If people could read and understand what their licenses are there would be non of this rumor shit that goes on and makes people look like idiots.

The guy at MMOBomb.... I can only laugh as to how much of an idiot you made MMOBOMB look. Enough with these false claims as blogs/articles trying to act like you know what you are talking about it sickens me to no end when most of these big time gaming sites are not ran buy gamers anymore but know nothings trying to make a quick buck.

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lolgg 12 years ago
the game isnt really that much to be excited about. it's just another MMO.. no WOW factor to it.

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SweetThing 12 years ago
You can play in open Beta, Connection between players from outside asia is not optimized and you can still play it, with little higher ping. Im playing it right now and it works like a charm. AND It wasnt announce just yet that every country outside asia will be not able to play. It was announce 1,5 months ago. You can read it here http://globenewswire.com/news-release/2012/11/21/506726/10013185/en/GRAVITY-Reports-Third-Quarter-of-2012-Results-and-Business-Updates.html

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lolgg 12 years ago
its possible to login. i've played last night lol. there's no block right now. but who knows if they really will lol.

Acyd 12 years ago
Lol. There is no block. The servers are just optimized for the SEA region. Anyone can get on.

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mhillerchamp 12 years ago
Im confuse i thought theres gonna be a new server i tried it but the server still the same and I thought the game will be full of English even the opening how come its not english im CONFUSE!

Yuen 12 years ago
I think it's kinda stupid to have the first English game in the Asia area when they already have the KR version in the Asia area. It should at least start in the EU or NA area since the language is more prioritized.

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Machine 12 years ago
U can log in u can play, all u have is delay...enjoy

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ross13 12 years ago
really u can still log in? coz from what i heard the only way u can log in now is via proxy if u dont belong in those 4 countries...douchebag move by asiasoft letting everyone do their stress test then lockout half those cbt and stress test players when obt starts

Machine 12 years ago
There is no block, they just have no support for People wich play outside from the 4 Countrys....

U CAN LOG IN, its not a IP BLOCK

Aladeen 12 years ago
That's why it wouldn't work.

Magicman 12 years ago
Some people didn't believe me during the live stream when I tried to give them the bad news :(

Good old IP block..

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nekodeus 12 years ago
A serious scumbag move right there.

guy 12 years ago
mounted, yayy...

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Meloncider 12 years ago
Guys, i played the cbt. Its not really all that.

Also mounted

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