Previously Extended Season 5 In New World Comes To An Abrupt Early End As Leaderboards Break

Nope, they won't be fixed.

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

New World Forged in Aeternum 88 Q&A

I can't help but think about the idiom "When it rains, it pours" when it comes to New World these days. Obviously, PC players of the MMORPG from Amazon Games haven't been the happiest bunch of players out there. Honestly, I think they're right to be upset. They were told "wait until June" for a huge announcement only to have said announcement be the reveal of a console version of the game with many "MMO" elements scaled back.

They were then told that their Season 5 was going to be extended and no more new seasons would come to New World until the October launch of New World: Aeternum.

Whelp, now PC players don't even have Season 5 to work on, at least the leaderboard portion of the season. A few days ago, the leaderboards for Season 5 broke. They just stopped updating. Ok, get the tech team on it. That's exactly what New World did. However, the issue wasn't fixed. It fact, it won't ever be. Instead, the leaderboards will just be left turned off and if you were ranked (or would be ranked by 8/13) you'll get rewards sent to you at a future date.

How you would personally know if you WOULD have ranked by the 13th is beyond me know...the boards are broken!

I'll let the replies in the embedded post above speak for themselves. People aren't happy campers.

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About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

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