Polytheism: SMITE unlocks all gods for free during Ultimate God Weekend
With the recent introduction of Janus, the 54th god to be introduced into Hi-Rez's SMITE, players now have quite a grind if they want to unlock all the gods from scratch. To make choosing your next god a little easier or perhaps to satisfy some completionist desire to play all gods, Hi-Rez has made all of SMITE's gods free for the weekend. Starting today (May 30th) players can log in and enjoy the full roster until 8:00 AM EDT on Monday (June 2nd) .
Of course, players can already unlock all gods within SMITE for a fixed price. SMITE's Ultimate God Pack retails for 29.99 USD and comes complete with all gods, current and future, leaving only cosmetic skins left for purchase.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.

Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.

Celebrate the 10th TennoCon with all kinds of goodies.

The patch introduces the in-game compass, Discord integration, and plenty of market updates.
Not balanced gods;
Toxic community start to be like a league of legends;
There are A LOT, and i say A LOT of afk people, every single day playing you can lose a match because of "leavers";
Report: Don't work.
The promotions "free gods weekend ", "free gems" are probably tatictcs to not lose players, since Smite is no longer a new/fun game
So tired, of Smite..and I've avoided playing, looking for something new
(PS:Im older player, since beta starts)