If You've Been Inactive, You Can Play World Of Warcraft Dragonflight For Free This Weekend

If you've been wanting to check out Dragonflight, here's your chance.

Troy Blackburn
By Troy Blackburn, News Editor Posted:

wow dragonflight free weekend

This weekend World of Warcraft is upgrading all inactive accounts to give them access to all their characters and also the Dragonflight expansion. Until the 12th, you can jump in and relive the adventure on some of your old characters, or start a brand new adventure in Dragonflight.

Along with this comes the ability to play the new Evoker class added to the MMORPG in this expansion. If you don't have a level 60 character yet, Blizzard says to check your Battle.net app and they may have a surprise for you. (I just checked and yes indeed they do give you a level 60 character boost.)

During this free weekend characters on the free trial will not be able to progress past level 60, but all of your experience will be banked and applied to your character if you decide to purchase Dragonflight.

Note: Activision Blizzard is still under investigation by the state of California for serious harassment charges. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about such actions within his company – and performed some himself – and shielded the perpetrators from consequences.

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In this article: World of Warcraft, Blizzard.

About the Author

Troy Blackburn
Troy Blackburn, News Editor

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.

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Discussion (1)

dysnomia 2 years ago
Title is misleading. It is NOT free if you do not own the game.

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