PlanetSide 2: Future Content to be chosen by Players, Hackers will also be "tarred-and-feathered"
You didn't think Planetside 2 was done did you? The MMOFPS is just that, an MMO, and as we all know MMO's gain new content over time, although in this case it appears as if players will be the ones dictating what gets added next to the sci-fi shooter.
In a long and very revealing interview between PCGamer and SOE president John Smedley, plans for Planetside 2's future were detailed, including SOE's plans for dealing with hackers by embarrassing them though the game's own method of virtual tar and feathering. Excellent.
When it came time to talk about the content additions for PS2 starting in January, Smedly had an interesting plan:
“What we’re going to do is let people know a list of things we plan to do, and let them decide the order they want it done in, and – if they hate it – we’ll just change it. It’s that simple. Rather than giving it our full three-year plan, we’re doing it in increments because that’s how far ahead we can plan for content releases. The meta-game in Planetside 2 changes constantly – so trying to predict what the game will look and feel like three years from now is tough. We have this idea of the major beats we want to hit – like player-owned bases – but in the shorter term we’ve got things like eSports we want to focus on and all kinds of cool new ways for players to fight wars. Players are paying the bills, so as far as I’m concerned that puts them in the driver’s seat.”
It's an interesting decision but it makes sense. Planetside 2 is driven by player interaction more so then almost any other game currently out (EvE Online is notable for this as well), so it's a no-brainer to allow the players to control what gets added next and what needs changing.
Newer players also have reason to rejoice since SOE is woefully aware of Planetside 2's almost complete lack of comprehensive tutorials, something a game of this size and complexity should never go without. According to Smedley, newer players should expect these tutorials by February.
What do you want added most to Planetside 2?
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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"it appears as if players will be the ones dictating what gets added next to the sci-fi shooter."
That's funny because the last time i've checked devs didn't give a... about what ppl say on their forums. You even have "SOE tracker" or something like that to see that 90% of dev/cr/pr/mod posts are in support forums where ppl have problems with their game.
Another 10% "We don's see how is this topic relevant to gameplay, but we appreciate the feedback :D" CR closing thread in which ppl complain about the game. That's all.
"What we’re going to do is let people know a list of things we plan to do"
What can i say... at last? You guys here at mmobomb already know more about what's going to change than PS2 players.
"SOE’s plans for dealing with hackers by embarrassing them though the game’s own method of virtual tar and feathering. Excellent."
Yeah i saw how it works:
" and from the original article they mentioned that the system would be implemented in a way so that it doesnt become a badge of honor for the hackers and cheaters.. "
It not only works like a badge, it's even more like ""hack" us more".
" Planetside 2 is driven by player interaction more so then almost any other game currently out (EvE Online is notable for this as well)"
Yeah... except it isn't, at all. It's a situational driven never ending war, pretty much pointless also.
Please don't even try to compare it to EVE. It's not even sandbox.
And you know what? I think they know how much pointless that game is and that's why they're thinking about player owned bases. The only problem is that no matter how much new content they'll add that players can or have to pay for itt won't change the fact that this game is pretty much broken.
"What do you want added most to Planetside 2? "
Better uninstalator. Current one won't even uninstall it properly, leaving icons on desktop, game data folders and probably a bunch of broken register keys. Only thing it won't leave on your computer are screenshots and that's only because in-game screenshot feauture is broken (unless you know the shortcut from PS1 that is). But that's normal in this game.
Second, any cheater with half a brain in their head isn't going to be blatantly obvious about it. Heck, some cheats are almost completely undetectable (infinite ammo, wall hacks, etc...), and since you're fighting against an enormous amount of people, pinning down exactly what's going in is nearly impossible.
Thirdly, bans don't work well in F2P games, as any hacker worth his salt can easily get around IP bans. All it takes is one hacker to absolutely ruin your entire gaming session, so even if they somehow managed to get rid of 99% of the cheaters, it wouldn't matter. Heck, all it would take is a few good hackers to completely screw up the balance of an entire server. Remember, this isn't some PvE game with incidental PvP. Every loss is going to leave you wondering; should we have won that?
The sad part is, issues like these could be avoided if these companies gave a crap about paying customers. All they would have to do is make some of the servers 'members only' and it would solve 90% of the complaints I've had with F2P games. But no, they're more interested in pandering to their F2P seagulls... so, they get nothing from me!
Good day sir.
That is basically the only thing that I want atm.
Funny cuz my entire socials block was discussing this treatment used on British tax enforcers by the Americans.