Planetside 2 patch revamps Amerish Continent, Adds Underground Bases
War never changes it only evolves, or in the case of Planetside 2, its the changes to the world beneath the player, that's forcing the war to evolve. SOE's latest patch for the MMOFPS continues the studios efforts in updating each of PS2's 3 continents to promote more variety and strategic gameplay.
The linchpin of the update revolves around the implementation of the Lattice system -something already added to PS2's other two continents- which forces players to capture specific bases before they gain access to more important ones behind enemy lines. The Lattice system was already used in the original Planetside and its return in Planetside 2 has already proven to help funnel the action into key areas between factions. In order to implement the Lattice update SOE has put a new gloss of paint or just plain remodeled every every outpost on the continent.
Overall, Amerish received 9 brand new outposts including several subterranean, making them the first underground outposts to be implemented in Planetside 2. Amerish has also benefited from improved roads, which make traveling the mountainous regions of the continent significantly easier, especially for vehicles.
Other non Amerish changes include tweaks to the Infiltrator invisibility during sprint, performance tweaks, crash fixes, and general server optimization. Interestingly, the patch notes indicate SOE is "purging old characters", but doesn't elaborate on what defines an old character or how it will affect old characters who may have purchased items with station cash.
The update clocks in at just over a gig and is available on live servers now. If you haven't tried the MMO since around its original launch, now is the perfect time to do so as the recent performance updates coupled with the continent revamps continue to breathe fresh life into the MMO. For more information on the update, check out the full patch notes here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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