Perfect World prepares to buy Warframe developer Digital Extremes
Perfect World Entertainment has entered into an agreement with Digital Extremes to purchase the majority of the developer's outstanding shares with help from Sumpo Food Holdings. The current non-binding agreement was officially announced on June 30th and is expected to continue while the two purchasing companies conduct due diligence investigations over the affairs of Digital Extremes.
Assuming no issues arise during the investigation and Digital Extremes doesn't opt out, the acquisition will proceed as planned. No word yet on when the acquisition would officially take place, but the press release does state Digital Extremes cannot engage in any other offer opportunities or asset transfers during the agreement for a period of 40 days.
For those wondering why a Chinese chicken product supplier is assisting in the purchase of a video game studio, it's because Sumpo Food Holdings also serves as a holding company, investing in assets to generate additional revenue outside of the poultry industry.
News of the pending purchase has generated a huge response from the Warframe community, who have seemingly come out in droves to voice their concerns in a massive thread found on the game's official forums. Curiously, Warframe developer DERebecca responded in the thread and mentions she was currently awaiting an official comment/info, suggesting that not everyone at DE was prepared for the news either.
In 2011, Perfect World also purchased Cryptic Studios for roughly 50 million after Atari placed the developer up for sale.
What effect do you think the sale to Perfect World will have on Digital Extremes? Let us know.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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There’s also an AI chatbot and the workbench is being updated.

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Just let that sink in for a moment.
I play because DE had a good idea (will probably fall and die out from Destiny) and are actually taking it in a great direction.
It will be judgement day when PWE takes over.
Digital Extremes made the game horribly grindy as is just to get parts to make warframes. Imagine how much worse PWE could make it. It is as Kenshiro says; "You are already dead".
PW/PWE will have a strong hold on DE, making the company force more Pay-to-Not-Grind stuff into the game (Because paying $100+ to skip a massive RNG gate all for one prime frame certain does feel rewarding :^) ), widen the amount of grind to get even the good stuff, and give people little to nothing for not paying.
I'm expecting rentals to be a thing too but that's just me after my experience with BL:R, what with almost everything being a rental when it came out of beta.
It'll grow dead sooner or later.
RIP Warframe
I repeat do not F**K This game.
As a founder I think DE should say NO to the buyout - if you want money as the fans - I would buy shares if the company would remain independent.
Anyone with even little piece of brain will stay far away from this scammer company.
Warframe will get P2W,lose 90% player base like most PWEs games.500 people will have fun with their cashed maxed out gears,until few months later when PWE come with new upadate.
(PWEs updates; new content = adding new more op gears people will spend thousands $ on)
and then even more and more people will quit untill there is 200 people left playing (addicts that spent 3000$ +and cant quit after all).Eventually they will quit too and then time to shut down servers/game.
R.I.P. Warframe, thanks for the last year.
do not want.
DOOOO NOOOOTTT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PWE will ruin this game. They are a horrible company that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Broken promises. Lies. Constant screwing up, and the worse ticketing/help system around. When you submit any ticket, you are given an automated response. About 10 days later someone actually replies to it, and they tell you to post your problems on the forums. Where you will be told to submit a ticket.
PWE will find a way to suck every last penny from players they can, without giving a rats ass about the content, game stability, or player base. I dont know what type of game Warframe is, if it is good, or what it is about. But I can tell you PWE will rape the hell out of it.
As a member of said community I SAY: DOWN WITH PWE! BURN THEM!
The slogan Ninjas pay fees
Weapons and frames will take weeks to craft
Updates and logins will require zen
Rng lockboxes
Op gear weapons
We are currently awaiting a response from Digital Extremes and sincerly hope this turd of a deal dies horribly.
No long ninjas play free.
Ninjas pay fees.
Warframe Goes P2W. Dies. And @#$% PWE
Also mounted?