Perfect World Lays Off Almost 30 Employees

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

perfect world

Perfect Word Entertainment has laid off around 30 employees according to a statement issued to MassivelyOP from the company following rumors on Facebook. The statement -- as would be expected -- highlights what a small portion of the Perfect World Staff this really is and notes that it won't have any real impact on the company's games.

This week, Perfect World Entertainment did experience a reduction in staff of under 30 employees. Perfect World employs thousands of people from all over the world and decisions like this are always difficult. However, we are incredibly grateful for the contributions of those individuals impacted and will do our best to help each of them through this transition. This reduction in workforce will not impact any of the games published by Perfect World Entertainment.

In addition to Perfect World Entertainment, Trion is also rumored to have executed some layoffs. However, this has yet to be confirmed.

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In this article: Perfect World Entertainment.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (13)

Greta 8 years ago
Hallo, Ich bin nun ein Angf¤nÃer. Warum ist es so viel besser alles mit dem Plugin zu machen und nicht via Theme?Und was machst du mit diesen Hooks?mfg Andre

Lerch2000 8 years ago
Never really considered the Cryptic branch as P2W, they have an in-game exchange system to grind for. As far as the other titles PWI has made or acquired I can't really speak for but they seem to always figure out solutions to make money. I still feel bad for the families that this has happened to. Hopefully they will find a good place to put their talents to better use.

rustybutter 8 years ago
I am some what in the game development world as a dialogue writer and I can tell you from the number almost all make money. They make way more money than is invested buy they are companies and must layoff/ unproductive employees. People coming into game dev think its lollipops and rainbows its not. It is a massive amount of work these companies have millions on the line but yes they do make lots of money and are profitable. Even the games that dont do well still make alot of money its just not up to the high industry standards.

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g@yboys 8 years ago
You kids retarded, f2p makes alot of money, just because they laid off people means nothing about profit. killyourself

Randyblythe 8 years ago
It's almost as if pay to win games aren't actually that profitable.

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