Perfect World International: Descent Expansion Is Now Live
Perfect World Entertainment successfully launched the fifth expansion for Perfect World International, its flagship MMORPG with millions of players worldwide. The new expansion titled Descent gives players a new angle in high-end PvP and introduces a whole array of brand new skills that will alter current skill balancing tactics and strategies for all ten character classes.
As the name implies, players will journey from a realm of cloud-like floating islands into hostile territory in an attempt to repel the greatest threat that the Perfect World land has ever known. Additional features in Perfect World International: Descent includes:
• Explore New Zones
Teleport into the land of Morai, fight your way through dozens of new quests in dynamic locales, while engaging in new storylines, experiencing refreshing instance mechanics, and taking on spectacular bosses.
• Attain New Gear
Experience the exhilarating pursuit of the latest fearsome gear sets and witness the addition of two newly devised equipment attributes built around boosting PvE effectiveness.
• Join an Order
Ally yourself with one of three ideologically distinct Orders, which will not only reveal your heart's intentions, but also determine the elite training and gear you'll be working towards.
• Master New Class Skills
Game-changing, new high-end abilities have been created for all classes, and many existing abilities have been tweaked for balancing purposes.
In celebration of the Descent expansion, players can enter a sweepstakes to win one of two limited edition Perfect World International Barbarian Statuette, Logitech G19 gaming keyboard, and Logitech G400 gaming mouse (USD value of $250). Simply enter by logging into the game at least once per day for ten days between February 7th and February 21st.
For more information about Perfect World International, visit
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There's compensation coming whether you pre-ordered a bundle or not.

You're both pilot and engineer. If your mech has issues, you'll be the one fixing them.

When you're done there, some new building tools, gear, and clothing customization options have been added, too.

He also talks about his relief at player reception to the current alliance raids and how they decided to improve sprinting in safe areas.
We didn't ask for your nerd-rage comments.
The game has been around for a long time so it deserver some honour for being an old game and people still want to play it.
This was my first mmorpg and it will always be the best, Whatever happens.
I am a free player and i still have decent gear, so your justing talking shit.
Play the game or Gtfo and search another where you can go whine......