Perfect World Announces Neverwinter's next module, Tyranny of Dragons
Talk about impatience, Perfect World Entertainment having just made a large hoopla about the release of Neverwinter's third module Curse of Icewind Dale, is already generating early buzz about the Dungeons and Dragons inspired MMO's fourth module, named Tyranny of Dragons.
The module is set to be released on August 14th and that's about all we know. The module's name does suggest there will be Dragons involved with a lot of them being oppressive, cruel and well, tyrannical in nature. I suppose the real question is whether there will also be dragons fighting to break the chains of tyranny and free the oppressed. Dragons don't always have to be bad you know.
About the Author
Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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It's been a while since a new sports themed MMO made its way to western audiences and before you ask, no racing games do not count.
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We don't expect a full global reveal until April still, but we will get a look at Update 45.
And no, you don't have to worry about the game being too "live service."
The quests kick off today with ‘Beneath Scabaras’ Sands’.
The update promises new abilities, suits, and an “all-new group of superheroes”.
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for the haterz!!!
I really loved Champions, but no real patches since official launch, no new level cap, no open pvp.
Actually they are doing same thing
"Storyline ctrl+v", may a new class, and that's all.