Perfect World Adds APB: Reloaded To Arc Platform
In the next step toward their ongoing crusade for world domination through free-to-play gaming, Perfect World Entertainment has added its first non-PWE game to its Arc platform: GamersFirst's APB: Reloaded.
Path of Exile is also slated to join the Arc lineup later this year, as will Warframe once PWE's purchase of Digital Extremes is complete.
As we mentioned a few weeks back, Perfect World is definitely looking to establish itself as the go-to hub for a lot of F2P games, including ones not of their own making. Even if you don't like Perfect World (or even APB), there shouldn't be any issue with them adding games to their Arc portfolio, especially well-regarded ones like Path of Exile, right?
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Largest Free to Play Hub is already taken by Aeria Games anyways, considering they have a crap ton more games than PWE. That being said, Aeria Games seems to be more "Child Friendly".
APB was a good game, but poor choices were made, especially when it came to matchmaking. This is what killed the game not only once, but TWICE! Why on earth would anyone want to revive such an unfair game? To top it off, PWE is going to charge an arm and a leg for everything, further turning people away from APB.
It's a shame APB never really updated with new maps, new modes, and just in general updated itself period. Another reason why the game died twice, because people expect on-going content, yet, nothing was every done about it. Just the same old unfair game two times in a row.
They say "Third time's a charm", unfortunately, I doubt that'g going to work on APB.
As for PoE and Warframe, I've played both. They don't feel like they should be on Arc or anywhere near PWE.. Sad day. Sad, sad day indeed..