Pax Dei Set To Add Solo PvE Content, PvP In Some World Areas, A Compass, & More, But Details Are Sparce
So far the focus has been on major issues and bugs, but now it's time to turn to adding content.
As Mainframe Industries kicked of early access for Pax Dei, the MMO had a bit of a rough start out of the gate. The focus for the team as things kicked off was, predictably, fixing bugs and addressing some major issues in performance. Now the team wants to turn their attention over to new content and improvements. Sadly, they admit that they can't provide a ton of detail just yet.
There's a patch coming next week on the 13th that will fix a few issues and make signs untargetable, but the real meat of the new post from the team is on a future update. That update will come over a few patches starting in autumn and continuing throughout the year. Sorry, that's as close to actual release dates as I can get you right now.
Fine, no real dates. What's being added, though? Well, that's a bit nebulous, too. How about if we call these "Things the team is working on that COULD be in some future patches this year, but aren't guaranteed quite yet" instead?
First up, the game engine. Pax Dei will be upgrading to Unreal Engine 5.3 then immediately turning their attention towards working on the 5.4 upgrade after that. This will hopefully improve not only the visual aspects of Pax Dei, but also the performance.
If you're ok with crafting but you'd like a bit more combat and exploration to do as a solo player, the team is looking to add some solo PvE sites to explore. On the PvP side of things, knights and soldiers are coming. While you'll still have to opt into PvP activities, this will bring PvP options to world areas outside of Lyonesse.
For the builders and crafters out there, a new Compendium menu will be added. This will allow you to view all the patterns you've learned even when you aren't at a crafter. Building options will be added in the way of a new set of beams and an all-new building tier for stone houses.
Oh, and gold. Yeah, we still don't know what gold will actually be used for in the game proper, but you'll soon be able to make a marketplace to sell goods to other players for some gold and you'll earn gold from PvE quests.
Other improvements being tossed about are a compass being added to the UI, combat improvements (pretty vague on this one right now), chat/friend social feature improvements, and localization into languages other than English, likely starting with French and German.
It's an ambitious list, to be sure, but when you go light on specifics and dates, you have a bit of flexibility before anyone would get too upset, I guess.
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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