Pax Dei Details Exactly How You Can Start Using Gold, Including Using It On A New "Grace" System
"You rush a miracle man, you get rotten miracles. You got money?"
If you've been building and exploring in Pax Dei, you've likely farmed up a little bit of gold in the MMO by now. Monsters in the wild have been dropping it, but you haven't really had anything to spend it on yet. While the Proving Grounds patch added and changed quite a bit, it didn't quite introduce the main reason for gold to even exist in Pax Dei.
Today we get our first look at the bigger marketplace plans Pax Dei has been teasing in previous posts. Pax Dei's gold, which bears the inscription "Dei Voluntas Auro" (God's Will is Gold), will be the primary currency used by players to buy and sell their own crafted goods. While you're busy building with friends, you may want to section off a part of your settlement dedicated to commerce.
Players will be able to create full-blown market squares or just throw together a few stalls to sell anything they are crafting. New systems will allow players to search markets for the items they're after, and sellers can limit their stalls to fellow guildies if they don't want the entire world to be buying from you. It's your choice.
The dev team's post also tease another use for gold: buying "Grace." We've never heard that term before so the team elaborates, "Grace represents divine favor and serves as a resource for performing miracles. Think of it as a spiritual energy, enabling you to cast unique, non-combat-related spells. These miracles could include blessings that enhance crafting and gathering skills or utility abilities like fast travel to specific locations. Every character will receive a small amount of Grace by logging in each day. Additional Grace can be obtained… by using gold for those seeking more."
More information on Grace and miracles will be coming later, so it looks like we won't be storming the castle just yet.
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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