Path of Exile Gears up for Open Beta With a New Trailer
Path of Exile, Grinding Gear's ARPG has been in some form of beta since August 2011. It's crazy to think it has been that long since we first got a taste of the gritty action within. The game itself was a response to Diablo 3 being stuck in development hell for over a decade. Yet here we are, the start of a new year and on the cusp of the open beta release for the game, which is slated for January 23rd! Only a week away!
To tide players over Grinding Gear has released an open beta trailer for POE complete with gratuitous amounts of explosive electricity, camera pans, exploding giblets and other necessary elements needed to convey just how awesomely expansive the game truly is. Check it out above and let us know what you think.
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About the Author
Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Renaissance Heroes, the 16th century Leonardo da Vinci inspired fast paced FPS practically fell off the map after its initial closed beta testing back in June of last year.
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The gifts begin today.
It may not be for everyone, but damn it's still such a good MMORPG.
Test the content before it goes live.
No, the game is not on Game Pass.
graphics = nice but need a lot of polishment
mechanics= excelent, easy to play and really confortable, the only thing do i hate is targeting system suck.
history= suck, i mean you can compara with d2 or d1 , no sense history
items= very nice items also the unique are very fun and awesome random system
chars= excellent build system, all chars are unique.
why i quit,
= community suck, a lot of multi acount log in, many guys whit 7 chars same time, ethernal lag.
A lot of real money item sellers, spaming you, stealing you, hacking, scaming, stealing in public party. No control of that.
So is my point of view you can have the gratest game and you can be a good, but if you cant play solo or relaxed with all the advertising spamming and hack ,game suck....
It borrows several core mechanics which had a large success in previously released titles. First and most importantly is the passive skill system which most closely relates to the node system in the final fantasy 10 skill tree. You have a massive tree that offers passive boosts to stats and skills. Each class has a pre defined starting point which branches in two directions on the tree, the classes are both pure and hybrid. In example the Marauder starts as a pure tank with the two paths leading through damaging nodes or defensive nodes which i would refer to as the physical path for lack of a better description. An example of hybrid is the duelest who has access to both power nodes and dexterity nodes from its starting point. However this does not limit the options and any class can specialize into any role with some planning. So if you want to be a brutish caster or a dainty warrior you have those options,it just takes a bit of time to reach the pool of passives you are after from your starting point.
Next is the skill system. This functions most similarly to the materia system in final fantasy 7. You will find equipment with sockets on them and also items to increase or alter the sockets. They are colored by the skill types they can carry, red would be a physical skill likely used by tanks and require strength. The requirements to equip skills start out very low but as the skill gems gain levels they have heavier status requirements. I should note that stat points are only acquired by nodes in the passive tree or on equipment but this works well with the game requiring a little planning. The skill gems do not stack, so equiping an example of say,two double strike gems would not boost the skill, and it selects the highest level gem to be the one active in the skill list. This might make it sound meaningless to equip more than one of the same gem but it can be usefull since both gems will gain experience while equiped.
Next up is the item enhancement and modification system. You will acquire items while playing that alter everything from the base stats to the item rarity of a piece of equipment and even some which allow a form of gambling to give a chance at turning a low quality item into a unique item worth much more to the right player. This system is very in depth and I could cover many bases on it but the website covers this better than i could possibly. I will leave this at my opinion that it is the most in depth and creative item modification system i have seen in any game to date.
The last thing I will touch on is the economy system. It is quite inovative but there are some vastly contrasting opinions from player to player on weather they like it or not. I happen to love it and have faith it will prevent a lot of botting and currency sellers from swarming the servers. Instead of a set currency various items you find will be used to barter for other items. This can be difficult to grasp at first but you will get used to it. As far as the values of these currency items between players it all depends on how much a player wants or needs the specific item and how much of it is circulating so trading is never the same old experience as items circulate.
I will conclude this with my advice that anyone seeking a fresh experience or an action rpg to replace the void left by certain others recently released should at least give this a whirl. I love it and I am willing to wager most people will at least find a few things they can embrace in this game.