Patch 6.25 Release Date Revealed During Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter And Fan Fest Returns!
The North American Data Center is on its way.
Last night – and today – the Final Fantasy XIV team hosted another 14-hour live stream in which they hang out, talk about the game, answer some player questions, and just generally goof around. The stream also included a – somewhat shorter-than-normal – live letter. The first half of the letter was a recap of what’s been going on since the launch of 6.2. They discuss how the patch was accepted – acknowledging once again the issues with HP in savage raiding and reviewing Storm’s Crown. (Yoshi-P was a little distracted during the discussion because Morbol decided to show up as a scary human Loporrit, but they got through it.) They also discussed how players reacted to the story content in the new raid tier and how they’d been wanting to give some extra time to Lahabrea.
Speaking of Savage, it seems that holding off on releasing the tier for a week had no negative impact. Instead, the feedback was said to be “very positive”. Crafting gear sold in higher numbers than before, and they’re currently reviewing the data to see how they’ll handle things in the future.
One area they did get feedback on was job adjustments. They feel that some things were taken out of context and will be clarifying them better. They also pointed out that the data players are looking at is probably not the same as theirs. There will only be a few adjustments coming in 6.25 with more coming in 6.28. They’ll continue to adjust numbers, but action adjustments won’t happen until 6.3. Speaking of adjustments, PvP will be getting job adjustments in 6.28, with the exception of Paladin who will be getting their changes in 6.25.
For those in love with Island Sanctuary, there’s a bit of news there as well. They’re aware players want to do more free designing but they say it’s hard to implement. But, there is good news, they’re looking at allowing players to place garden housing items on the island. We don’t know quite what this means and it’s going to be a while away, but it’s still good news.
And, it looks like things will continue to be improved where accessories are concerned. The issue has been that accessories and specific actions use the same system memory, so they’re having to rework that.
And now, the good news. Patch 6.25 will arrive in 10 days, on October 18. The patch will bring more Hildibrand – both continuing the questline and introducing the Manderville Weapons. The next tribal quest will arrive then as well, so get ready to get your space jellyfish from the Omicrons. And Variant and Criterion dungeons will be available. No raids this go-round, but a lot of folks are still working on this tier so no worries. Oh! And there will be new spy costumes. Sneaky!
As mentioned in the sub-title, the NA Data Centers are on their way. Dynamis will host 4 new worlds, with plans to add more if the growth they expect in 7.0 occurs. The housing lottery for these servers will kick off on November 5. Speaking of which, they are working on adding more housing plots at some point in the future as well.
That’s the bulk of the Live Letter, the rest of the stream consisted of discussions with the devs, some Q&A, a bit of game time, and more.
In additional good news, that admittedly I missed the day of, the Final Fantasy Festival is coming back next year. Unlike the 2021 event, which was online-only due to the pandemic, these will be in person. They'll take place throughout 2023 and 2024 beginning with an event in Las Vegas, NV on July 28 and 29 of 2023. The second will be in London, UK on October 21 and 22. The final one will take place in Japan, location and date to be determined.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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