Overwatch 2 Director's Take Gives Overview For Buffs And Nerfs In Season 5: Tanks, One-Shots, And CC Getting Attention
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Overwatch 2 has released its latest Director's Take blog, focusing on the upcoming balance changes to the game.
In Season 4 Junker Queen was given a series of buffs and Overwatch 2 devs say she began to dominate, going from one of the lowest picked heroes to one of the highest. Junker Queen and Reinhardt were the two most picked tanks in the meta. However, at masters and above, Junker Queen was far and away the most picked tank. After receiving a buff to healing received from her passive, Queen was too survivable and the health she receives from commanding shout is being reduced from 200 to 150.
While there are no specifics right now, Lifeweaver will be receiving a series of buffs to bring up his pick rate. More details will be coming in the patch notes, but he's a character Overwatch 2 devs will be keeping an eye on in the near future.
They also hear the community's concerns about the number of one-shots coming from Widowmaker and Hanzo and want to reduce the frequency of these instances.
Finally, the Overwatch 2 team is starting to introduce a little bit of CC back into the game, but state they don't want to go as far as the original Overwatch did with CC. Mei and Cassidy will both be getting a little more CC in their kits for Season 5.
There will be tweaks to plenty of other heroes, but we'll have to wait for the patch notes to see exactly what is planned for the shooter's 5th Season.
Note: Activision Blizzard has been sued by California’s Civil Rights Department, alleging violations of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act and Equal Pay Act. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about the alleged violations within his company. These allegations have all been denied by Activision Blizzard and the company points to additional diversity and inclusion training as past examples of taking the accusations seriously at the time they were made.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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