Not the Bees!: TERA Announces new Wounded World Dungeons
One of TERA's strengths has always been its big boss fights. The action MMO has made good use of its control scheme and combat style to bring relatively satisfying PvE fights to fruition. The latest announcement from En Masse Entertainment seems to echo these sentiments as the publisher has just unveiled the Wounded World update, which introduces four new dungeons filled to the brim with TERA's signature BAM baddies.
Set to go live on July 8th, each dungeon offers a completely seperate environment to fight in with enemies ranging from hordes of bloated beasts in the 7-man dungeon, The Abscess to giant bees and beetle bosses in the 10-man Rift's Edge Bam Slam.
Solo content will also be available and players can expect to check out the faerie world of Ghillieglade where they must rescue its guardian denizens from the clutches of corruption. Finally we have the middle ground with the 5-man dungeon Lakan's Prison where players are tasked with preventing a sorceress from unleashing an ancient evil god.
All of this hard work and toil isn't merely for the glory. Players can expect to be rewarded with loads of new tiered armor sets (both PvE and PvP), weapons, designs, recipes and more. If you're interested in finding out more, En Masse has setup a special site where you can preview each dungeon and some of the upcoming loot.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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1) The population is fine. I got back in on my old toon at level 45 and tons of people running around, actual server hic ups because so many people. And lots of chat going on. (I am also on EU side).
2) Game has had more updates that RIFT. So that argument sounds stupid. Rift is dull, ugly to look at. Boring game play (Broken PvP, bad dungeon design, and only open world rift hunting is worth it, but it is hard to get dedicated groups up). TERA does all of that better...Except PVP.
3) PvP in TERA has always been a second though. Because most open action games make piss poor pvp games. Especially ones that use "circle" of attack. Dragons Nest literally added PvP as a content update years later. TERA is the same. No one joined it for the PVP. It is not as crisp as other games. On that note, it is better done than most zerged out games (AIOn, GW2, etc..)
4) MOBA are garbage. They suffer from the same thing PVP mmrpgs do. OP cashers. DOTA 2 has a half million dollar donater that got a "pink pig" ressource boost for paying in the upper end gaming. LoL has rune sets to out right buy and get your game on. Or else farm farm farm sad losing points with a few wins (and it should be called LEague of Assassins).
etc etc.
5) For the buck. You get it all. Free. Great open instance areas in TERA, great dungeon areas in TERA. PvP is there for the mastering. And there is content that has come out. And this is proof they have more.
What Mmobomb has not released in it's joke of a news section, is that Enmasse, TERA, just got 13 million dollar funding. They are making 2 new games and a possible TERA 2 (I hope TERA sees more updates as well with new cash influx.