Nexon Confirms Tree Of Savior As Free-To-Play

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:


Not that we were really worried it wouldn't be, but it's nice to hear it from the source. Well, from a site translating the source, at least.

Several fan sites are reporting the news as translated from a FAQ on the Korean-language Nexon TOS site that the game will definitely be free-to-play, along with a number of other Q&A entries dealing with character creation, advancement, and other basics. In case you were wondering, Tree of Savior will be rated Everyone, at least in Korea, so there won't be any 3/4-naked anime girls in this one -- which is good or bad, depending on your point of view.

Are you looking forward to Tree of Savior? Let us know!

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In this article: Nexon, Tree of Savior.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (32)

edmonddantes 10 years ago
This game is not made by PERFECT WORLD so it is not good game PERFECT WORLD make the best games always (this is my opinion) PERFECT WORLD an BLIZARD should learn from PERFECT WORLD how to make good game this is also a crap game

Jonathan 10 years ago
Game plan!
Wait for game to published.
Play the game for a bit.
Wait & Play private servers

sdsfsdfs 10 years ago
Not gonna play it becouse of publisher.Nexon is the sh*tiest publisher i ever see.

Yey 10 years ago
Great news, I'm very excited about this game.

Lonetimegamer 10 years ago
yeah same chibi 2.5D games they have been releasing since the 90's... just another copy/paste game company that relabels old games... no thanks.

Anthony 10 years ago
You do realize Nexon KR is completely different than NA's Nexon. KR Nexon is actually very good.

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Merkadis 10 years ago
i will likely play whichever version won't be hosted by Nexon.

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lockestorm 10 years ago
facebook share link corrupted

Doomex 10 years ago
I don't have high expectations from NexonP2W or not,they will not surpass PoE..So it's ok to give it a shoot.

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Vagrant 10 years ago
I will play this game, even if the publisher those chicken suckers of Nexon NA. That is how badly I want to try this game. Hopefully it won't be 10 years before a western release.

asdasdas 10 years ago
IMC trusted Nexon

faith in IMC lost

RIP dead game

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Eddy 10 years ago
I just wanna play this game. It looks so fun.

Bic Boi 10 years ago
"Everyone, at least in Korea, so there won’t be any 3/4-naked anime girls in this one.."

But my favorite classes were Assassin Cross and Dancer!!! D: Gawddamit.

Anon 10 years ago
Ugh. Can't wait for all the pay2win bullshit. Hope private servers happen right quick.
Nexon has awful F2P models. Absolutely no faith, which is terrible because I absolutely cannot wait for this amazing game to come out.

OMGFrogz 10 years ago
Nexon does have a history of free to play games so I can't say I'm surprised. But wondering how nexon will make a profit out of this one is completely beyond me. Maybe it'll follow the whole PoE schematic?

Absol 10 years ago
I wanted to make my characters naked :'(

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