New World Delays Upcoming Season Of The Guardian Based On Player Feedback
The PTR has been quite busy.
Amazon Games has responded to player feedback from the New World Season of the Guardian PTR with some changes based on what those players are saying. The changes cover everything from Artifacts to controller support, so let's take a look at what tweaks are being made before the Season.
The first change? The actual release date. Speaking of the MMORPG's season launch, it looks like it's being delayed with no date given at this time. Hopefully, they can get plenty of polish and fixes in during the delay.
The Phoenix Amulet Artifact is having its passive reworked. It went through a change on the PTR already, but another pass will be coming sometime after the launch of Season 5. Currently the passive reads: "When you receive lethal damage, avoid death and regain 100% of your max health. You will then become inflicted with Vengeance. This reduces healing by 100% and deals 12% of your max health every second until you die or get a kill. (180s cooldown)".
The Venom Spear Artifact is getting a change that will only apply the damage over time effect with heavy melee attacks for more compelling risk vs. reward combat choices. The New World team is also looking at adjusting the Damage % or status effect duration.
The dev team will continue monitoring the Nature's Blessing perk on the Nature's Wrath chest Artifact as players seemed split on its status on PTR.
The Upgraded Combat and Animation Syster (aka Slayer Script) will continue to be polished and improved for Season 5. If I had to guess, this is probably the main reason for the Season 5 delay as the Slayer Script seems to need more work.
No immediate changes are coming for Controller Support because the team is still working on more improvements, like key remapping, that will come in future updates.
The Cooking profession is receiving a slight buff with a decrease in materials needed to prepare dishes down from 5 to 3, as well as an increase in the amount of fish that can be caught in hotspots and a decrease in spawn time for fishing hot spots.
We'll just have to continue to wait on Season of the Guardian while these changes and improvements are being implemented.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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