New Weapon Changes Come To The Cycle: Frontier Today, Make Sure To Hit The Range Before The Battlefield
Players will no longer be able to lob grenade after grenade in quick succession.
With The Cycle: Frontier’s patch 1.3.5 right around the corner, we are here to share the upcoming changes, bug fixes, and known issues. To start, many of the changes are focused on weapons and balance. SMGs have had their horizontal recoil reduced as well as had their ADS movement speed reduced from -30% to -25%. The B9 Trenchgun is having its base damage reduced from 80 to 64, while the PKR Maelstrom has some positive changes with a reduced recoil and an increased spread that should be more in line with that of other shotguns. The camera shaking intensity has also been reduced. Grenades now have an added 1.8s delay between throws that will prevent players from unleashing a barrage of explosives in the hopes of hitting something.
With bug fixes, Prospectors who purchased the Paladin Set and ended up with two chests and no gloves will now have access to what they purchased after maintenance. Also important to note, additional tweaks have been made to internal anti-cheat measures and The Cycle: Frontier now has tracking and has ban-automation for additional stats.
Two known issues that have not been fixed are Biker Queen’s image showing black hair instead of white hair, and some players on the Epic Games store who owned the Ronin are missing pieces.
If players would like to learn more about the weapon changes to come in The Cycle: Frontier’s next patch, please check out their official post here.
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About the Author

Aspen is an avid gamer and Twitch streamer currently residing in Japan. She is most attracted to games narrative design and is a huge fan of player choice in games. If Aspen is not playing games, she is most certainly writing about them.
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