NeverWinter's Great Weapon Fighter Revealed

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Cryptic Studios dropped their newest class trailer and decided gamers wanted to see more faces smashed than in previous NeverWinter videos. Enter the "Great Weapon Fighter." While the name may sound cheesy, don't be fooled or confused.

This class is your typical 2 handed weapon class that most MMO players are already used to seeing. Designed for damage dealing and maybe some off tanking if your tank happens to hit the mat, the Great Weapon Fighter is slower than other classes but deals impressive damage. Attacks seem to be based on a standard "charge" type mechanic (i.e. hold a button to charge and deal more damage) but watching the daily ability and seeing a hulking character throw a two handed sword just seemed fun.

As we get closer and closer to actually getting to play NeverWinter, these trailers continue to showcase a nice blending of some mainstay MMO staples and some POTENTIAL new and creative ideas. Will Cryptic and Perfect World Entertainment deliver on the hype? We'll have to wait and find out.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Neverwinter.

Discussion (32)

SleepyPill 12 years ago
Release it now !!

Anonymous 12 years ago

EvilBazoo 12 years ago
i love my beta key

Shawmanuk 12 years ago
Had me sold the moment they had the wilhelm scream in there :P so psyched for this game.

Gangula 12 years ago
Is this will be open world game or dungeon based like Vindictus ?

Coolgy 12 years ago
So all their attacks consist of spinning around?

mike 12 years ago
Looks like GW2 is it was made by PerfectWorld. no thx bye

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PW 12 years ago
i dont understand why you all exited its perfect world that mean money money all the way!!

Cyberpunk 12 years ago
There is just to many of these types of games

Galvayra 12 years ago
Classes in D&D 4th edition don't work like classes in most other MMO, they have basic classes witch can specialize into paragon paths and later epic destinies . These classes we see them show are paragon paths. Great weapon fighter and guardian fighter are the same class just different specialization

Barbarian is a different class that has a berserker paragon path so the nomenclature of the classes is well established and they are named this way for good reason , don't judge things you don't understand

Unknown 12 years ago
Originality in naming at it's finest!

Ero-Shinigami 12 years ago
Release this!!! Now!

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
I was always a guy who always would take either a range class or a meele class with high dmg i rarely would take a tanky class so as soon as i get a key fo this game i will probably choose this class cause for me dmg is everything slow attack speed but high dmg pretty much balances things out so its all good for me i just hope this game won't end up like raiderz.Anyways just gonna be waiting for tera to go f2p in febuary and for this game to go cb and hopefully grab some beta keys for it if mmobomb can give us any which will probably do cause mmobomb never let us down

zac 12 years ago
when does this game release ? :)

longtimegamer 12 years ago
still needs an archer class... they should take notes from Tera's archers. after all what's DnD without the ranger?

ADKJoey 12 years ago
I like how they aren't calling them the usual names. Then people don't think its anything like any other game, Sure what we just saw has elements of the usual beserker class kind of gameplay but I can see this class being so much more then a beserker class. though this guy sort of reminds me of the AION 2 handed worrior class.

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nekodeus 12 years ago
They should've just called it Berserker.

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ThcMonkee 12 years ago
I call dibs on any beta keys that come this way !

ThatGuy 12 years ago
I wanna play, kinda. But most likely they'll cater the game to the French.

..anyone know how the French like their games?

Meh 12 years ago
Get us some keys for beta >__>

Allacore666 12 years ago
God I can't wait to play this game! Oh and thanks for not giving me a key mmobomb, lol!

Dafuq? 12 years ago
Is it me or was there so many Gw2 references like the armor, and that statue?

View 2 replies
Spiritwex 12 years ago
mounted :)

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