Neverwinter Economy Disrupted by Currency Exploit
Anyone who's played Neverwinter can tell you just how confusing the MMO's currency system really is. The game utilizes at least 3 separate currencies (not including tokens earned to purchase gear sets) with the most important currency being the Astral Diamond. This is gained from doing daily quests and other means and is used for quite a few of the game's important gear vendors as well as the player auction house. Over the weekend players began exploiting a bug in the auction house which saw an influx of billions of Astral Diamonds into the market. Suddenly the world of Neverwinter was in chaos.
While initially this may seem like a simple fix consider this, Astral Diamonds are able to be traded in exchange for Zen which is Perfect World's real world cash shop currency. The sudden flood of Diamonds meant players were trading in massive amounts of the currency and, in turn, purchasing everything available in the cash shop. All of this meant a huge plummet in the value of Zen leading to Perfect World performing an emergency maintenance which lasted several hours, whereby the publisher initiated a seven hour rollback in order to correct the currency issues.
What this means is, if you played at all yesterday (May 19th) beginning at 5:20AM PST your progression is gone, like it never happened. To make up for this the developers are putting together a package of items to give to everyone. The plan is to distribute the goods sometime this week, possibly on Friday 5/24. On the bright side of things, if you happened to spend any money on ZEN during that period you will be getting all of it back as well.
So just how is Cryptic/Perfect World handling those who participated in the exploit? Several players have stated that they have begun to receive light bans, totalling no more than 72 hours. On Reddit there is even talk of players who exploited the bug and cashed out to make thousands of real world dollars, some of whom say they still have characters acting as mules carrying large quantities of gear that Cryptic studios has yet to remove. Other players have mentioned that the exploit had actually been in the game since closed beta and despite reporting the issue, Cryptic had done nothing to address the bug until it was too late.
For now the Auction House remains offline and no doubt the developers are still in damage control mode attempting to deal with all of the ripple effects the exploit caused. If you're interested in reading the full breakdown on the event and what was affected you can check out the official FAQ here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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seriously people? one bug and people saying "pwe just want or money" or "I knew this game would fail"?
Nothing happened, the game is still running, people still playing, this is still a beta and your hate with pwe has NOTHING to do with an exploit of a bug... games have bugs, ALL of them, you people are just using this as an excuse to hate PWE or to hate the game because you didn't like it
grow up people, want to hate PWE, Cryptic or the game? Fine... but don't use something unrelated to your hate to justify it
The game was never ready for launch since these issues are still going on..
However they did a good job with STO - Star Trek Online but I don't know why they couldn't do it with Neverwinter.
too bad, so sad, I'm glad, be mad, got had, greedy lad
The only reason this blew up into the massive firestorm we see now is because it became more and more viral as people realized how much they could benefit from the exploit and partially because it was ignored for so long like many other glitches and bugs.
The game is just screwed. SO many people exploited, and now those players will have nothing to do because there is virtually no end game content. New players aren't going to want to spend money on a game where the player base already has a huge advantage (and didn't even have to pay for it).
I predict a quick, painful death for Neverwinter. Perhaps it will serve as a warning to other MMO companies: don't rush your product.
I don't think this is due to Cryptic, I'm sure they want to fix it ASAP, it's due to the greedy money making hands of Perfect World Entertainment, and trying to make as much money as possible. And now they've noticed people started leaving the game, which to them means less money, and it's only NOW they start handing out bans.
The sad part is, PWE won't actually officially say Neverwinter is "Released", they keep hiding behind their lousy excuse "It's Open Beta". Now players are hiding behind the very same same excuse they use "We only exploit to find bugs, because it's Open Beta!". See the irony here?
Perfect World is a sad company, I'm not even sure how they're still around with the crap they publish. Too bad Cryptic Sold out.