Neverwinter Adds The Tyranny of Dragons Campaign To Epic Adventures
That includes converting the Heroic Encounters to a Minor Rank.
More Neverwinter content is being converted into Epic Adventures, giving old quest lines new life. The latest bit of content to be added to this lineup is the older Tyranny of Dragons campaign. As part of the conversion to Epic Adventure, the campaign is getting just a bit of love. The devs have fixed bugs and added ambient jobs for the Cult of the Dragon. They’ve also changed Heroic Encounters to a Minor Rank, meaning you won’t need as many people to get them done.
In addition, players will now have an easier time getting their hands on the Portions of Dragon Slaying or Scrolls of Protection as they will come from this content. And, for those that need to obtain items that are no longer available, like the Dragon Hoard Coins, these can be obtained via vouchers gained by turning in Chromatic Elemental Strands.
The new Epic Adventure is open to players with a level of 20 and a 35,000 item level. Just head to the Hall of Justice and look for Harper Boward in the West Courtyard of the Protector’s Enclave.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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