Mounted: Black Desert trailer shows off flashy combat
I don't think this can be stressed enough, Black Desert is absolutely beautiful, but I am a bit disappointed in the latest trailer. Not because it isn't awesome, because it is, but because the meat of the trailer is only 40 seconds long or so. It certainly is juicy though.
The overall message of the trailer comes in fairly clear, "we have gratuitous amounts of action combat!" Indeed, the trailer shows several characters flailing their arms wildly as they slash at the various foes before them.
What had me replaying the trailer over and over though, was the mounted combat. While still in development, the mounted combat shown in Black Desert is to-date the best looking mounted combat I have seen in any MMO. Granted trailers have a way of making things look better than they seem, but I was particularly impressed by how fluid the mounts moved while fighting. And what's this about giant armored Elephants? Please tell me I can invade a castle while riding one. War Elephants instantly make any game better.
For those interested in learning more about Black Desert, you can check out our full recap of Black Desert from this year's E3. The MMO will enter closed beta testing in Korea sometime this fall. Black Desert isn't expected to reach North American shores until 2015.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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