Motiga Announces "Signficant, Temporary" Layoffs

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Motiga -- creators of the upcoming free-to-play MOBA, Gigantic -- dropped some bad news on fans today. Due to a dire financial situation, the company is laying off what it's calling a "significant percentage" of its studio staff today.

According to a post by CEO and Co-Founder Chris Chung the company is currently unable to continue supporting the entire studio; although they are in "active and promising discussions" with investors. Unfortunately, the discussions are taking longer than they have resource-wise.

Chung notes that these layoffs will impact all departments in the studio -- and that beta testers will notice the hit as there won't be the staff on hand to support them that they are used to.

The full announcement is available on the Go Gigantic site; however, it seems that it will be a while before we find out how the negotiations for funding shake out.

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In this article: Motiga, Gigantic.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (12)

Easy 9 years ago
Stop spending money on crack and hoes.

Todoran 9 years ago
The fate of all MOBAS! i hope!

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hackisack 9 years ago
Hmm, seems Microsoft payed far less for the (Win10, Xbox) exclusivity as I imagined.
Gigantic is an ambitious Moba with lots of effort put into design and polish, so obvioulsy a good managment should have a solid longterm financial plan - if they are not selling items or founder's packs.
Good luck to them! It would be sad to see this game fade to dust due to some bad decisions made. Unlike many other current MOBAs (Warhammer trash, I look at you), this has some potential due to unique game mechanics.

Nexzu 9 years ago
Wow such negative comments about the game ( mostly about win 10 exclusive) I agree it being win 10 only is dumb because it's Microsoft excluding it from Microsoft. But the game has interesting characters, different style game mode, quick motion combat, and different ways to play it. I really hope it gets on its feet and able to included other os's (Like Microsoft's previous ones because that make sense).

zabisuke 9 years ago
HAH thats what u get for being window 10 exclusive

tralala 9 years ago
Every shi t moba deserve to die, these faking copy paste mobas, one map boredom over and over

Saiyer 9 years ago
Hope those getting laid off can find work asap.

As for Gigantic...I'd say this was good news. The game was going to be exclusive to Windows 10, and I'm personally tired of seeing so many games be exclusive. We already have a PC and Console split...we don't need more.

NGoHT 9 years ago
Hah win 10 only, glad to see it going down the pipes.

Mike 9 years ago
Didn't they make a deal with Microsoft, didn't they get pay that will keep the company afloat (keep workers to the point that the game would release before even considering layoffs ? If the money was not used for that then why in the world would you be on windows 10. So now, if the game finally releases they are going to have to depend on windows 10 users and what ever other platform the game is on. Good luck champs.

Cyril 9 years ago
I just got into the beta and i'm not really impressed. Playing the game doesn't feel that fluent as watching. Even though many people were impressed by it (as was i), i don't think this game will even launch.

GameMaster 9 years ago

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